Chapter 13

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(1 week old)

It's been quite hectic around here lately with visitors coming to meet Aubrey. She's one lucky girl with all her new clothes and teddies and play mats, I'm now literally sorted till she's like one. And if it's not guests it's either my parent or Adams mum at our door with all excuses to visit Aubrey and the odd time us; "I've brought food that was extra" "your mail came" or even "you left this I didn't know if you wanted to keep it". But there not harming us just beginning to annoy us mentally.

Aubrey is a little gem, she sleeps most of the day and rarely screams or cries when she's awake. It's great to have her here, were finally a proper family.


Since today is Sunday were having a lazy day. "Morning babes" Adam said as I walked into the livingroom. He was sitting on the sofa watching morning TV while cradling Aubrey who was sleeping in her grow bag.

"Morning" I said going over and kissing him tenderly then stroking Aubrey's head. They too looked adorable sitting together it melted my heart. "Breakfast?" I asked heading for the kitchen door.

"No thanks I've already ate and so has Aubrey" he smiled returning to his program. I laughed yeah right how long have I been sleeping for to miss Aubrey's feed? The last one I remember doing was her 4am one. I headed into the kitchen trying to figure out why I had missed Aubs feed. I then decided Adam must have woken up straight away at her hunger cry and took her straight down stairs before giving me the chance to wake up, using the already pumped breast milk in the fridge. Anyways back to reality, I started to make some porridge since everyone else had ate.

I poured it into a bowl, not just any bowl but our smart love heart shaped bowl and topped it with cut strawberries and blueberries with a dot of cinnamon. Then headed back to the livingroom. Walking back in I seen Aubrey beginning to stir I slowly walked past both of them to lounge on the beanbag beside the window.

Aubrey was now awake and Adams program was no longer his interest. I decided I would put some vampire diaries on while Adam seen to Aubrey it was nice to have a little breather from snuggles and cute baby eyes. Not saying I don't enjoy spending time with my daughter just after having her stuck to me for the last nine months and a whole week I decide some me time was needed.

Vampire diaries were on and I was enjoying the chill time. "Hi beautiful! Yes I can see you" Adam said looking at Aubrey she just kept wriggling about looking excited. I looked up at them both who were still perched on the sofa, the only thing that had changed was Aubrey was no longer in Adams arms but lying on the sofa it's self.

I finished my porridge and my episode of vampire dairies and tidied away. Adam jumped in the shower giving me time to get little miss Aubrey dressed. We weren't going any where spectacular like I said Sundays our lazy day but since it was nice weather for a change we decided we would take Aubrey out for a stroll in her pram for the first time. I dressed her in her little pink summery dress with little white thick corded tights and her pink soft bootie socks. Topping her outfit off with her little white hand knitted cardigan, she looked super cute. "Where's mummy's baby girl?" I said to her in a baby voice picking her up and kissing her.

I sat Aubrey down in her bouncer chair on the bed while I got dressed. Typical Aubrey she feel asleep so while I was straightening my hair I quickly placed her white shawl blanket over her to keep her cosy. Adam also was getting ready in the room now and we were almost ready for our first pram walk/stroll. I've been looking forward to pushing this pram since we got it like five months ago.

Me and Adam zipped and buttoned out coats up to get ready to head out. Adam got the pram and I got Aubrey. She was still fast asleep so I gently carried her through to the livingroom, it's moments like this im glad we don't have stairs. I settled Aubrey down in her pram and tucked her in with covers. I loved this pram sooooo much! It was like a berry purple/raspberry colour and it was stunning. I zipped all the compartments up and headed for the door. Adam trailed behind with the baby bag and locked the door. I waited ahead for him at the elevators. He slid beside me hooking the bag onto the pram as we waited again patiently for the elevator to come.

For the first time since we moved in this as this first time the elevator was empty. We strolled in looking very causal and pressed the G button for ground floor. There was some decent songs playing in the elevator today so the time waste was more enjoyable.


We finally reached outside and headed on our walk. "Good morning" Mrs Buckleberry said as we walked last her flower stall.

"Good morning!" I answered she was harmless and was a lovely old women to speak to. She has short greyish white hair and is around 5ft 4inches.

"Look at beautiful Aubrey" she said we now knew her and she now knew us. "Here's a little penny for good luck I assume this is your first pram stroll" placing a two pound coin into the pram in the top corner.

"You really don't have to do that" Adam said away to hand back the coin.

Mrs Buckleberry slapped his hand as it came closer to her "nope you keep it dear I've just blessed your baby's pram with good luck" she said smiling then arranging flowers into place.

"Thank you" I said pushing the pram a wee bitty ahead of her stall.

"No problem have a lovely day!" She shouted and waved as we walked down the market. There was tones of stalls today from food to flowers to clothes and even furniture! We walked straight down the middle and took a left to the park. We wondered around the park with the pram with Aubrey awaking then dozing off again. We went up by the pond, the nature trail then stopped off into "Martha's Tea Breaks" cafe for lunch.

After lunch we went on another small wonder and ended up at Adams friend Jason and his fiancé Monica's house. It was there first time nearing out little princess so we thought we would pop in.


"She's beautiful!" Monica said while getting a wee cosy with Aubrey when she finally awoken. "Aw I want a baby!" She said smiling at Jason who quickly changed the subject.

"Drinks, snacks anyone" biting in before Monica could make that decision. We both had just had a toaster of some sort at Marathas so we weren't that hungry or thirsty. "I'm sure you can babysit this munchkin" he then said topping Monica's shoulders with relief.

"I guess your right I'll just keep stealing her" she laughed I smiled nobody would every get near my baby to proper steal her she's mine. My little cherub!

Next week were taking Aubs to get her birth certificate to official prove she's our little girl!

Official parents of Aubrey

I hope you enjoyed chapter 13! Sorry about it being a bitty delayed but I do my best to update at least twice a week sometimes only the once.

Sorry that the chapter was short maybe you preferred it short please leave your preferred choice and keep reading 📚

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