Chapter 3

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15th January 2013 - 2 weeks later

"Your getting discharged today Miss Gray" my nurse said coming into now the ward I had been moved too. This ward was full of a mix of eight boys and girls all with similar injuries as me. I had gotten use to everyone here just as they had gotten use to me.

Because I was getting discharged I had all ready been informed about if all at the beginning of the week so my bag was packed with everything for going home. My parents were coming to collect me from the hospital as they no longer trusted anyone else picking me up and dropping me off after the accident (which is weird as I wasn't even in a car). The only think that I wasn't happy about was that I had to leave Adam behind. Adam had just left critical stage and was getting keep in for god knows how long.

"All set hun" my mum said coming into the ward and hugging me tightly. The accident really scared my parents and has made them become very protective over me and my 10 year old sister Katrina.

"Yeah, never better" I lied grabbing my bag and following my mum out the ward. I would have called bye to all my new friends that I had met in the ward(home for 14day) but they were all still asleep being 9am.

I thanked the nurses alongside my mum for all their help over the last two weeks and we left hopefully never looking back. Expect when visiting Ads of course.

My dad and Katrina were in the car as we walked out, both looking very inpatient and bored out their heads. Katrina spooked me first and flung the car door open running towards me to take my bags smiling with her cheeky grin.


The house felt really weird when we got in. I just kept remembering Adam saying "I don't want to be back here till next year" it cracked me up thinking about it even though it wasn't funny at the time.

Everyone also seemed to be acting weird around me. Staring at me weirdly picking things up for me I just couldn't figure it out. I did have my ideas though, either

1. They were feeling sorry for me because I had been injured OR

2. Because I was... Uh...p..pre..pregnant!

"Ok what?" I shouted as they kept staring at me. I'd had enough and couldn't contain my anger any more.

"Nothing Amelia, why what's wrong dear?" My dad being dad replied while everyone stood there stunned because I had clicked on.

"Stop looking at me weird and acting funny I'm still the same person. I could still walk, carry things for myself, wash, eat I could even jump about like a lunatic" I moaned.

"We know that hun. We're just looking out for you, well the two of you now" my mum said rubbing at her neck. She knew that I was away to say something at the "two of you" bit.

"I don't bloody care if there is two or five of me!! I'm still the same old Amelia" I screamed and walked up the stairs then slamming my bedroom door. I moaned at Adam for slamming and banging doors! I'm such a hypocrite.

I'm scared about what's coming but I don't need a constant reminder that I'm pregnant I need to concentrate on Adam getting better first.


A few days past and I was up at the hospital every day checking up on my injured boyfriend. Every day he was coming along so well, I was so proud of him. Today I was going up just after lunch to visit Adam with his mum. This was the first time I have been up with her before, I wasn't worried because Elaine loves me.

I was going up to give her company since his gran went away on holiday yesterday I didn't want her sitting alone with him in that place. I forgot to mention Elaine is a single parent since Adams dad passed away when he was nine in the Afghanistan so there is only really her, Adam and his little brother Max who's eleven.

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