Chapter 15

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(2 months old/ 8 weeks)

Okay just walk into me no problem I'm fine with you shoving me and my pram out the way. Some people are just so inconsiderate now a days, I'm causally walking toward my best friend Ashley in the town center and some women couldn't wait to get past me and barges into Aubrey's pram giving me a horrible face and booting Aubrey's pram as she passes. She's so lucky her pram didn't topple over or I would have toppled her and I'm not an angry person too.

I reached ashley with my anger level at like 97% now more bad or annoying thing to happen to me today I would proper flip and I don't care who sees me. "Ignorant bitch!" I said as I reached ashley who was in total shock just like everyone else near by.

"Omg are you's okay?" ashley said looking into the pram.

I looked into the pram also to see my baby girl still fast asleep, all cosy in her pram. Poor things brain must have jiggled when that bitch kicked her pram. "Yeah she's still fast asleep" I said showing a small smile. "That child sleeps twenty for seven no matter what notice or incident is about" I know said with a laugh but still an angry tone, but no wonder after that little episode.

"She sure does!" Ashley said laughing. We both started walking since we had now been standing in the same spot for the last five minutes letting everyone doge us. "Lunch?" She said with a smile.

"Yes please" I said with a sigh of relief. We headed to a small bar/cafe in the center of town called The Summit where the lunches are fantastic and absolutely delicious (especially there desserts). Luckily the summit wasn't as busy as it normal is so we found a table quite quick.


"So how's little miss?" Ashley asked when we were seated and had ordered lunch.

"She is fine" I said pushing the pram to her side of the table and allowing her to pick Aubrey up from out the pram. She was wide awake now and was full of smiled for Ashley.

"Hello little stunner" Ashley exclaimed as she slid Aubrey into her arms. Aubrey's eyes lit up at the sight of Ashley, they went as big as buttons and she got a all excited. "Why is she so cute, I just won't to steal her whenever I see her!!" Ashley screeched looking at me with the biggest smile ever.

"Ah maybe because I'm her mum, she obviously got my looks and genes" I laughed. Ashley just smiled she was to kind to judge me or even say "yeah of course" in a sarcastic comment. The environment we were sitting in was filling with a mixture amazing scents from curries to burgers to salads to fajitas.

I was enjoying having a catch up with Ash even thought while we waited on our meals to arrive she kidnapped my baby and refused to give her back. Finally lunch was on its way over to the table. I spotted it a mile away in a large tray carried by a male waitor, yeah I have eyes like hawk when it comes to spotting food. I could see my fajitas sizzling with steam everywhere and Ashley's chicken wings eight there sizzling barbecue sauce."Hand me Aubrey please as there is our food" I said walking to receive my very sleepy daughter from her kidnappers arms. Aubrey was dozing off into a sleep as I carried her back to my chair. It was perfect timing since I then just lay her into her pram all wrapped up again as the food was played in front of us. This smells drifting up my nostrils causing my stomach to rumble.

"Time to dig in" Ashley said moving her napkin to her knees and literally digging into her chicken wings. I forgot to mention Ashley is not lady like what so ever when it comes to food and would happily eat any messy meal in front of you even if you were the queen of England she would still happily choose the messiest meal on the menu. I also started digging in to my chicken fajitas. Oh how they taste like heaven!!

I proper stuffed my face and completed the full plate alongside my partner in crime who's plate was emptied also. "I'm sure we had patterns in these plates before we started" I laughed sipping my lips like a lady, hahaha I'm far from it though:) ,My joke made Ashley laugh but just as she took a sip of her juice causing a waterfall of sprite.

The meal was so good but it was time for us to stop the giggling and chattering and pay he bill. We both went halfies on the bill and I got ready to leave the cafe, it's just so much effort with a massive pram with a sleeping princess inside who can't be woken. I made sure Aubrey was all wrapped up in her cover then we headed out. "Thank you" we both said in-sinc as we left the cafe but we didn't hesitate to hit the shops near by on the high street.


After an eventful day and seven shopping bags later me and Aubrey decide to call it a day and go and meet daddy at university. I'm so proud of Adam, the way he's carried on into university and will soon be able to get proper job as a lawyer and he can finally get rid of his chipper job.

Adam was standing waiting at the gates as I pushed Aubrey's pram up the hill. I seen him running towards us at full speed and I knew as soon as I reached the top of this hill he would very likely tackle me back down. When he reach us he kissed my lips so tender as if he hadn't seen me in months then popped his head into Aubrey's pram giving her a kiss on her cold, rosy cheeks. "My girl!" He whispers looking up at me "I'm taking over now" he also says reaching out taking the pram.

"No bother Adam just come take my happiness... Only joking" I thought to myself and we headed off home since we didn't live far. The streets were really glum and foggy today as if something scary was away to happen. My imagination in these situation runs off into its own wee world so that's why I, pretty freaked out right now. I don't think I have ever walked so fast in my life and the sight of out apartment block gave me shivers of happiness.

I actually can't wait to get in, take my shoes off and cosy into my baby on the sofa. The thought was sounding so good I swiped my key card against the door and headed straight for the lift.

Key card? Sorry I forgot to mention there is a key card to enter the min building and then the same key card to use in the lift to prove your part of this building or it won't move.

The time we actually got in at it was like five passed five. I flung open the front door and ran to the sofa I actually can't wait to just relax after such a busy day. Adam closed the door behind him, grabbed Aubrey from her pram and came and joined me. He sat Aubrey just in the middle of both of our legs and wrapped his arms tightly around both of us making me close against his body. I really couldn't be bothered with cooking and mp by the looks of it near could Adam by they way he was flicking through the move channel. He turned his head to me with a grin flicking on the film "the notebook" and saying, "take out?".

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