Chapter 6

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(4 1/2 months/20 weeks)

"Amelia can you pass me over the milk please" Max asked tapping my arm.

"Uh...yeah sure!" I answered coming out of a little world of my own. He gave me a smile as I passed the cartoon of milk across the kitchen table. Adam kept his hand on my leg during the whole time we sat there eating breakfast. I had stayed at Adams last night since we are going to find out the sex of our baby today. At the moment we were all sitting having breakfast (myself, Adam and his brother Max) while Adams mum buzzed around the kitchen cleaning and unloading the dishwasher.

"So you excited for today then?"Elaine's voice came from inside the dishwasher.

"Yeah!" Me and Adams voice came in-sinc. We both burst out laughing spilling Adams cereal every where. He sprung up running to the kitchen and grabbing a handful of paper towers and sprinting back to the kitchen table to mop it up.

Elaine's head popped out of the dishwasher to see what all the fuss was about. Noticing she gave us a deathly stare before closing the dishwasher door. I put my head down with laughter and carried on eating my coco pops.

After breakfast me and Adam trooped up the stairs to get ready for our appointment. We had to be out the door in an hour and a half to make this appointment. I grabbed my clothes from the coat hanger and started getting changed while Adam jumped in the shower. I looked down at my feet, they were massive! I knew about the symptoms you can get when pregnant and swollen feet was one of them.

"Oh my gosh!" I screamed the whole thought of squeezing them into my converse. I guess this is just something I would have to deal with.

I was dressed and ready in no time. I was rocking a causal pink dress with flowers on it, tights(because it's freezing at the end of February in Scotland), my converse and a long oversized wooly cardigan. I had no energy in me to straighten, curly my hair so I had just shoved it up in a messy bun. Adam came out the shower and changed into jeans, a pale green Ralph Lauren polo and nike trainers.

I grabbed my bag and phone off of charge and made my way down stairs carrying my converse in my hand. Adam was already down stairs in the livingroom putting on his Nike trainers by the time I got down the stairs. I plonked my bum beside him and started to attempt to get the converse on my fat swollen feet.

"Jeez look at your feet babes!" Adam said pulling my foot up to balance on his leg making me topple over on the sofa. He grabbed my converse and forced it onto my feet for me, tying them and dropping my legs to the floor.

"I know, I know. There massive!" I moaned looking down at them.

"Just think yourself lucky that you don't need to squeeze them into heels or stilettos"Adam said laughing putting his arm around me. I stared at him it wasn't funny what so ever.

"Come on love birds to the car, you to Maxi!" Elaine shouted coming from the kitchen. Throwing the car keys at Adam was the signal for all of us to troop out the house I grabbed my bag and Adams hand met mine as we walked out the house. We were only getting dropped off today as Elaine had a meeting to attend, my parents both were working and Max and Katrina had school.


The hospital was so busy today with people leaving their wards. "Thank you!" I said climbing out the car and heading for the entrance.

"Remember to give me a phone about the sex later" Elaine shouted before driving away, this made it more real to me that we were finding out the sex today. My stomach suddenly gained one hundred butterflies as we walked into the hospital. The maternity ward was full of mothers leaving with their new bundles of joys in carry seats or in their arms. I could feel the excitement growing bigger and bigger.

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