Writers Note

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So guys are you all enjoying the car crash miracle Aubrey ? I hope so because I love to see and hear the people are enjoying my book through private messages.

Little teasers and helpers for up coming chapters and events (I'm not going to give away to much):

⚫️ There will be a sequel to this book but I won't tell you the title till the end of this book.

⚫️ We will not be seeing or hearing a lot on Ashley's pregnancy in the book as it is mainly about how two teenage parents cope with the new and amazing things their daughter is now starting to do.

⚫️ I'm planning of ending the book on a cliff hanger type of ending. I'm still not absolutely positive but your ideas may be considered.

⚫️ You have almost reached the end of this book as I am only going to carry on till Aubrey reaches 4 months because I don't want the story to drag on and become like a diary because it's not.

Thanks again for reading my book and I hope you are all enjoying it! Please make sure you read to the end so the second book will make sense.

Let's get back to the story and see the next stage of little Aubrey Sanderson's life...

The car crash miracle...AubreyWhere stories live. Discover now