Chapter 17

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(3 months, 3 days)

Adams P.O.V

We were up bright an early today and we have now all had breakfast. "Bye babes enjoy the day and you will do great I promise" Amelia kissed me goodbye and headed out the door in a rush. Today I have the day with my darling cherub while Amelia has a drivers lesson right now and then is attending a class to boost up her grades from school to help her qualifications. I love even though she has a child at eighteen almost nineteen she is still determined to attend two classes a week to get somewhere in life,to get good qualifications and to get a good job.

Okay Adam enough of the inspirational speech about you girl and get back to reality. Aubrey lay on her play mat giggling away so I thought hey Adam be smart and join her. So that's what I did i wriggled on to the mat beside Aubrey distracting her from her laughter. She lay staring at me with her big button eyes. "Wheres daddy's baby?" I asked her causing her to reach her hands out as if she was grabbing me.

I picked her up and gave her a big cuddle. She smiled her cheeky little grin while her eyes sparkled as the daylight from the window shown in catching her glossy eyes. I lifted her above my head making her laugh even more than before. "I have to get ready" I mumbled to myself standing up and carrying Aubs to the room with me.

I lay her in the bed as I got changed. I also had to dress my little pumpkin today so we can go on our little adventure. Her clothes were all ready laid out by her OCD mother as everything has to be on point and go especially her little girls clothes! Amelia had laid out white top with a little bow on it with black and white monochrome trousers, frilly socks and her white vest. It was adorable!! I just shoved in jeans and a polo shirt with plain white socks. She was full of giggles lying on the bed, it just makes me smile.
I obviously did the normal morning things like brush and do my hair, brush my teeth and wash my face also.

I had a busy day planned ahead for me and my little girl. We were meeting my friends Steven and Danny in town today, I had a lot to discuss with Danny since now his girlfriend Ashley is pregnant and well Steve is just normal nineteen year old loving life with his girlfriend. Anyway I strapped Aubrey into her pram wrapping her up in her coat and blanket and snuggling her little teddy in also. She just looked so perfectly cosy and perfect as always.


By the time I had walked from our apartment to Donald's diner, Aubrey had dozed off into a deep sleep and had started dreaming. Her little face kept screwing up every time she wiggled and turned as if her dream had become a nightmare.
I seen the lads sitting together in a booth as I walked in, so I stroked over with the pram and plonked myself down.
"Sorry I'm late lads I had to walk!" I mumbled apologising.
"It's alright mate!" Said Steve standing up and walking towards the pram. "Aw look at her, still absolutely stunning" he spoke slowly lifting Aubrey out of the pram. I smiled I know she is.
I ordered my food (cheese burger and chips with a hot cup of coffee) then decided It was just right to congratulate Danny.
"Oh Danny congratulations for you and Ash!" I muttered I knew he wasn't jumping with joy about the subject but I knew a congratulations wouldn't go far.
He smiled "thanks Adam,it's mental to think I'm going to be a daddy" he said peering over to Aubrey who was now awake and full of laughter on Steve.
"That's good then you will be fine Danny I promise, Steve your looking very fatherly" I laughed.
I just seen his eyes draw to me not daggering just staring making me laugh even more. "I'm fine holding her and spending time with her but it's also nice to hand them back" Steves voice came. This conversation was getting funnier and more serious by the minute .

We sat for around two hours laughing and just having a general chat of football and ice hockey. I also completely demolished that burger and a dessert, loving life!! Aubrey got feed and was giving all the boys tones and tones of giggles.
PING! My phone vibrated...
"I babes that's my drivers lesson finished I'll be home shortly! Lu xxxxxx"
It was Amelia texting me I'm best to head. I wrapped Aubrey back up in her jacket and blanket and rested her into her pram again all cosy again. "Guessing your leaving mate?" Said Steve standing up and shaking my hand.

"Sure am brother will text you all when we are home safely" I laughed pretending I was protective. The lads all laughed :)
Just as I walked out of Donald's a more feminine voice called on me. Rotating slowly I peered behind me. I tall and slim girl with long blonde wavy hair headed towards me. I suddenly recognise this long pale face and rotated back 360degrees to Aubrey's pram. By the time I has started walking away she had caught up with me and pulled my shoulder back around.

"Addy!!" She screeched. I remember her vividly now... Daniella! My ex girlfriend from hell and from like four years ago. We broke up because of her intense stalking behaviour and how everything revolves around Daniella sence.

"Daniella..." I mumbled in shock trying my hardest to keep walking.

She smiled her mischievous smile, "babysitting I see, very cute!" Her voice came again like a husky as she peered over into the pram at Aubrey. I smiled and again kept walking. "Dropping her back off home? Steves? Danny's?" Her voice came again grinding me to a holt.

"MINE...ADAMS!" I said staring her in the eye. "This is my daughter Aubrey Sanderson and if you don't mind she is due a feed in twenty minutes so I must get her home to MY house" I answered making it clear to her that I have no interest in her what so ever.
"Oh sorry...I...didn't realise" she spoke again. "I will just let you love your happy nappy life I'll find someone else, someone baby-less" and she was gone. Normal boys hearts would sink if they were rejected like that from a girl that looked like her but mines was jumping with joy! I have a even more stunning girl back at home that's all mine.


Amelia's P.O.V

I wasn't home long before the door opened and I heard Aubrey's laugh. I practically ran through into the living room straight towards Aubrey and Adam. Arms wide open preparing for a hug...
"Wait wait wait! Let me get her the pram first!" Adam wined as he got Aubrey out the pram. "Okay family hug!!" He screamed when Aubrey was in his arms. I brought my love in to the hug and so did he it was like a sandwich (me and Adam as the bread and little Aubs as the filling).
"How was today then" Adam said kissing me on the cheek softly.
"Good I guess! Oh I've out tea on,pasta?"
"Yeah sounds good" Adam said has he placed Aubrey in her poddle pod. (A poddle pod is like a cushion type memory foam thing that you rest a baby in because they either a sleeping or are just lying down to chill. Very useful in a crib to help stop cot death, picture inserted 👆...not Aubrey though)

"Good good" I answered sitting on the floor beside Aubrey in poddle pod.

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