Chapter 16

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(2 months, 2 weeks)

I rolled over onto my side slowly opening my eyes. Adam was lying wide awake smiling away to himself, "what you grinning it?" I asked still trying to adjust my eyes to the rare light in the room.

"Morning but shhhh listen" he whispered pulling the covers up to his neck and over my face. I wriggled my way out the top to listen for what Adam had been hearing.

A selection of "oohhhs", "goos" and "ahhhs" filled the room I burst into laughter.

"Is that Aubrey?" I asked peering into her crib from our bed.

"Yeah!!" Adam laughed. "Shes been speaking away to herself since I fed her two hour ago, I love it!" his voice came again.

I climbed out the bed after he told me about Aubrey chattering away to herself since around 7am and it's now like 9am!! I walked across to the crib and peered over into it. Aubrey was just lying kicking her legs and arms about and speaking to herself it was incredible to watch.

"Good morning little one" I said distracting her eyes to focus on me. She's started getting all excited at the sight of me and started speaking her baby goos again.

"I could hear you missy, you telling me stories" I said. She started smiling and kicking her legs around she just looked adorable. I picked her up and raised her above my head bringing her down into a kiss then to face Adam.

"Morning my little munchkin" he said as laid her beside him on the bed. "I've heard you speaking to yourself cheeky for the last two hours" he laughed making Aubrey do the same. I loved moments like this when we just wake up to what seems like a good day.

"Breakfast?" Adam asked making Aubrey giggle.

"Breakfast" I answered as we both left our bedroom and headed to the livingroom. It looked very autumnal this morning out the window since we have a large tree outside our apartment that is now beginning to change colour. Leaves ranging from different shades of orange, yellow, brown and red are all over the ground and are still perched on every individual branch showing there colours as if it was a new outfit. I just love the autumn time so much!🍂

I lay Aubrey down on her play mat on the floor while I fussed around sorting things out for our eventfully day to come. When I say I eventful I mean eventful, today is the day I've been dreading...Aubrey's first immunisation.

I stared at her little innocent face as Aubrey smiled away at herself. Just as she "gooed" Adam walked through with two medium sized bowls filled with cereal and milk.

"Breakfast is served" Adam called handing me my bowl. Climbing on the I curled into a little ball and dug in, I was starving. Adam hurdled on also laying his legs on top of me.

"Are you wanting battered?" I laughed removing is feet off of my hip bone.

"Dare you too!" He also laughed placing them back upon me. I wriggled letting them slide into a comfortable place on my lap and continued munching on my cereal. We just sat and giggled while Aubrey spoke away to herself just a typical morning in this house.

After breakfast I loaded the dishwasher with all our dirty dishes. Adam was a total star and took Aubrey through to the room to get changed. I love that he helps me by getting her changed but he has no sense of style whatsoever so I'm kinda dreading to see what she's wearing. I tidied up the kitchen tops and turned the dish washer on just as I left the kitchen the doorbell went.

"At this time?" I mumbled curiously walking to the door. Who in the world would be at our door at half ten in the morning? Opening the door I seen Ashley sniffling.

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