Chapter 10

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(9 months/39 weeks)

Boxes everywhere empty or full, some even sealed up. It's getting closer and closer to our moving date and everything is getting prepared. The scary thing is it's also getting closer and closer to my due date and my family doctor says I can pop at any moment so be prepared.

We receive the keys to our apartment today so me and and Adam will be inspecting what needs done, the sizes of each room what needs painted all that's stuff. My dad and both mine and Adams grandad's are coming along with us today as well because we have the livingroom wallpaper and paint decided so they are going to start straight away. It's a good thing and a bad thing that they are starting today. The good thing is that our main room will just need furnished and maybe floored we don't know yet, the bad thing is that me and Adam don't get that alone time to inspect the apartment decide our own plan without anyone's input but hey life isn't perfect.

"Are you taking anything with you today hunnay?" My mum asked coming into what looked like my empty bedroom. It actual was looking quite empty as most things were packed into boxes and all there was, was my bed, my wardrobe,the crib, the changing table and a pile of boxes.

"Nope everything's staying for here till we come back and know where everything's going" I said sitting on my bed beside my mum.

"It's crazy that my baby's leaving the nest already" my mum said tearing up and hugging me. "You'll be fine right? Adam will take care of you both! I'm sure of it" she said hugging me tighter.

"Yeah we will be fine mum but I know I'll miss you, dad and Katrina millions but I am only ten minutes away"I smiled hugging her.

"I know, I know and if you and my granddaughter aren't round here everyday I'll be up at yous" I laughed with my she was being serious but I think I will be there all the time anyways.


Crap that car horn will be Elaine I attempted to get down the stairs at a fast rate but failed miserable. I finally reached the bottom step when I heard her horn again. I grabbed my back and phone and speed walked out the door. My dad was coming up straight from work with my grandad so it was only me,Elaine,Adams grandad, Max and Adam in the car.

"Hi missy"Adams grandad said from the front of the car as we drove out my street.

"Hi grandad Pat" I answered full of excitement I loved Adams grandad he was so funny and super cute.

Adam grabbed my hand and stared into my eyes. He was really excited just like me for this new step in our lives. "Ad remember tomorrow you've got your first driving lesson" Elaine shouted from the front of the car.

I gasped "no way your learning how to drive?"

Adam smiled at me "yeah I'm getting it so me, you and the baby can have a free life" he laughed, "well not free life but just so we are capable to go by ourselves". I knew this was a good idea and we would benefit from it.

I looked out the window to see what area we were away to start living in. It was a friendly neighbour hood with children playing on their bikes, neighbours having conversations across fences. Elaine's car stop, "Were here!" She shouted pointing at an old fashion building with tones of character and a hard wooden but beautiful door.

"Thanks mum!" Adam said leaning to the front of the car kissing her head. "Come in Grandad let's head in"

We walked over to this amazing building. "What floor are we?" I asked Adam quite confused.

"Um it says here that we are the top floor, the biggest apartment they have" he smiled reading the letter he was sent through email. I looked up the top floor? I hope there's a bloody lift since I'm lucky I could walk up my house stairs at the moment. We pushed the brown door open to be welcomed into a warm entrance. There was massive wooden and marbled steps then two lifts going up. I smiled at the sight of the place but more at the lifts.

We entered the lift and I pressed the button for the top floor. "well this is handy for if you have shopping or a pram" grandad Pat said looking at me and Adam.

"Sure is grandpa" Adam laughed. Grandad Pat is always coming away with random facts or figures that actually make sence. The elevator reach the top and opened it's doors to a pale green hall way with paintings on the walls and our mahogany brown door.

I went over to the door using the key Adam had in his hand and opening the door revealing our home. WOW this place was massive and stunning. There was two big bay windows in the livingroom showing a view of our town and the pier. A massive kitchen already decked out with marble counter tops and wooden cabinets with a floating island in the middle with the sink. Then there was three massive bedrooms one with an un-suite. And a big family bathroom and not to fogey storage cupboards and the laundry room. This place was amazing and had stunning character, high ceilings, the cornices around the roofs and wooden flooring were needed.

"This place is awesome!" Adam shouted.

"No this place is amazing!" I screamed hugging Adam tight. This was our home and will be for a long time. Grandad Pat starts feeling around the walls to make sure they were all strong and not crumbling then sat down the wallpaper and paint, "Can I get started?" He asked.

"Yeah grandpa this room here!" He pointed to the livingroom and showed him witch wall was getting the feature wall.

I phoned my dad to pick up certain things from the house on his way as I was now staying here. The reason we didn't bring anything was because we thought the place was going to need refurbishing like a new kitchen, flooring and doors but obviously not.


My dad came an hour later with my Grandad bringing all of our kitchen utensils and equipment from our house. I had all that stuff and Adam had all the livingroom stuff in his house. I unboxed it all and started setting it up in the kitchen while the men including Adam started decorating the livingroom.

The kitchen was looking great with our toaster, kettle, smoothie machine, coffee machine and all out cutlery and pots stored in and some away. It felt like home to me already! Walking through to the livingroom I could see it was coming along really well.

"Just off the phone babes the sofa will be here tomorrow morning between 9am to 12pm" Adam said walking across the livingroom. "One problem though I'm at a driving lesson then a lecture at uni so I won't be here"

"It's okay I'll get my parents to take time off work in the morning to help me with it" I smiled.

This house is going to be amazing when were done and I know it because it's my house!!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much is I did writing it . I'm sorry it's a short chapter but I didn't want to make it too long because there isn't really much you can write about when they aren't moving furniture in! Keep reading...

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