7 - Trouble Starts

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Delia heard Calem's voice and she clinched her fists. Why is he even still breathing? She thought. She was never one to wish death upon someone, but Calem just irked her nerves more than anyone. She didn't know why, though.

Oh, wait. That's a fucking lie and she knows it. She knows why she hates Calem with every inch of her being. Calem was a person deserving of hell. Calem was Ash's brother and he went and tried to kill him just for the sake of the gang that Ash leads.

Delia was pissed off now. She hears Anabel crying and she started to hate Calem even more. Damn it all to hell! She thought, running into the house. Delia knew that Ash's secret will be blown now, but she didn't mind at the moment and she will explain it to Anabel after she is safe.

Delia rushed back into the house with her pistol and she pointed her gun at Calem. Calem was just holding down Anabel, but he wasn't hurting her. "Mother, are you happy to see me?" Calem asked Delia.

"Boy, you are not my son. You're not even our blood, you ungrateful punk!" Delia shouted. Ash growled at Calem.

"Yeah, Mom adopted you after she saw how lonely you were. We grew up with each other and you tried to kill me!" Ash shouted at Calem. Calem didn't even look fazed by their shouts.

"You don't deserve the gang, I do." Calem says spitefully at Ash. Ash sighed.

"I'm not leading my gang to do illegal things, but other gangs attack us and why am I even explaining myself to you? Let Anabel go, right fucking now!" Ash shouted at Calem.

Calem chuckled darkly and Ash got ready to shoot Calem if needed. "Oh Ashy Boy, if only you were there." Calem started to taunt Ash.

Ash growled. "Shut up." He spoke coldly.

"If you only you've gotten there on time." Calem continued to speak as if he didn't hear Ash.

"Shut up." Ash's tone got more colder.

"If only you have gotten there by 11:15." That was the last straw.

"Shut your fucking mouth, you piece of shit!" Both Ash and Delia shouted at Calem, who simply smirked at them.

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