14 - Operation: Save the Princess! Part 1

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"So, Mr. Ketchum, what are we calling this operation?" Dawn asked.

Ash smiled a cold smile. "Call me Boss and this is Operation: Save the Princess." Ash answers Dawn's question. Calem, you are a idiot. You could have been the co leader of the gang, but you've murdered my best friend and kidnapped my lover. Ash thought.

Ash knew that Calem deserves no mercy for what he has done. Ash also felt guilty, because he has to show his cruel personality around Anabel. My dear sweet Anabel, I will save you. I promise I will not let Calem get away for this, I fucking promise! Ash thought in despair and anger. "Fucking fuck!" He shouted, slamming his hands on the ground, not caring that he busted his hands.

"Boss." Dawn felt bad for Ash and she wanted to help him get back his lover. She was going to help him or die trying.

When Ash finally calmed down, he wrapped his bleeding hands with bandages. "Okay, let's go kill a fucker." He says with a cold tone of voice.

- With Calem -

He honestly did not know why he kidnapped the girl. The girl screamed only twice and after that, she was quiet. It was like she was used to this kind of thing. "Why are not screaming?" He demanded of the girl. Anabel just stared at Calem, her eyes devoid of any emotion.

She felt something wet on her face and she moved her eyes to her cheek. Blood. She thought. "..." She was saying anything to him and she didn't want to speak to him. Hell, she didn't even want to look at him.

"Don't fucking ignore me!" He told her harshly, forcing her to look at him. Anabel, through her emotionless facade, was feeling one emotion.

She was...

Sorry for very short chapter, but I wanna leave you in suspense. I hope everyone enjoys this chapter.

Criminal's Soft Spot // AU Abilityshippingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن