13 - Criminal

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After their lazy day, everything went to hell in a span of 24 hours. Calem had somehow broken into the yard and kidnapped Anabel when the poor girl was looking at the garden. "This fucker really wants to die, huh?" Ash growled out in anger.

Jessie and James were ready to kill and Delia stopped Jessie. "You are pregnant! Stress can kill the baby!" Delia scolded Jessie. Jessie was shocked at this. She knew what could hurt the baby, but she didn't know stress could flat out kill the baby.

However, before anyone could do or say anything, someone knocked on the door harshly. "Hey, Ash Ketchum!" It was the police. Ash got close to the door.

"What is it now?! I didn't do anything to Anabel! For my sake, I don't hurt women!" Ash shouted at the police officers.

"But, we got a note from a person named Calem. He said that you were planning to rape and murder her." The officer tells Ash. Ash recognizes the officer as Officer Dawn.

"Calem! Ms. Dawn! Find that location and please shoot him at first sight. He's worse than me!" Ash tells Dawn.

"No need to worry! You have saved my life before and I'm ready to help you out." Dawn tells Ash, making Ash smile at this. Good thing she's in my gang. He thinks, grabbing a brown bag of weapons. Before he could run out of the house, Delia stopped him and gave him a bottle.

"Is this-?" Delia stopped him asking the question as she nodded her head. Ash just smirked at his mother and he placed the bottle in a safe place in the backpack. Calem just knocked on the gateway of Hell and I will send him to it. Ash thought, opening the door to greet Dawn. The young blue haired girl just grinned at him.

"So, Mr. Ketchum, what's your first order?" Dawn asked Ash, who was holding a pistol.

"We find Calem,  save Anabel and then we kill Calem." Ash tells Dawn. Calem made a very bad mistake kidnapping Anabel. Dawn thought, taking out her gun.

Ash had to face up to his career. "I'm a criminal and I have a innocent good girl." Ash says, making Dawn smirk.

"But, it doesn't matter if you're a criminal, does it, Mr. Ketchum?" Dawn questions Ash.

"Damn right it doesn't matter. I don't kill people for the fun of it. I don't steal for the hell of it. But, in the eyes of the law, I'm a criminal." Ash says, seeing one of Calem's mooks aiming his shotgun at Dawn and he quickly fired his pistol and the bullet went through the guy's head. Damn! I haven't even left the house yet and Calem got worms squirming around. Ash thought, wondering how Anabel was doing.

He hoped that she was safe, but if she was with Calem, then she wasn't safe. He clinched his fists tightly. I should have protected her better. He scolded himself for letting down his guard.

Because of that, Anabel is in the hands of some deranged psycho!

Well, things are heating up! Question: How many chapters should this story have? I want to hear from you, the readers, because I'm sure you guys love this story. This story will have a sequel, however.

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