19 - Operation: Save the Princess Part 6

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"No!" Shauna's shout was heard across the area as blood was spluttering everywhere. However, the one who was stabbed was the one who was most shocked.

Calem was holding his side as Anabel was gazing at him with no emotion on her face. Sorry, but I'm not dying. She thought. Her shirt was still undone, but she didn't care. "You bitch! You, you stabbed me!" He said with rage. Shauna then was hit with an emotion she rarely had.

"Go piss on yourself, Calem." She hissed at this.  She noticed what she had, but did she give a damn? Not once.

"I won't stop until I'm dead." Calem tells Anabel, who started to beat on him until Calem violently pushed her off.

However, Ash saw this and he wasn't pleased. "You little fucker! Keep your hands to yourself." Ash growled at Calem, punching him in his bleeding side. Calem gasped with pain.

Calem looked up to see Ash, Jasmine, Serena and Whitney, who all looked like they wanted kill, maim, pray for and bomb the young man. "This is the guy?" Jasmine asked with a certain tone in her voice.

Oh shit, she's pissed. Ash thought, amused. He wanted to feel bad for Calem, but he was too pissed off at him. Jasmine was angry, but she was still delicate and so, she was still being protected by Whitney.

Whitney was holding Jasmine as Ash prepared to stomp on Calem, however, Calem rolled out of the way, despite the stinging pain that he had. He grabbed Shauna and he fled, angering Serena. "Damn it! He's fucking getting away!" She screamed, grabbing a gun from her jacket pocket and running after Calem and Shauna.

When Calem and Shauna finally stopped running, he gripped Shauna's waist and he pushed her towards his wound. "Stitch me up, Shauna." Calem ordered. Shauna looked around frantically for a first aid kit as Calem had a gun pointed to her back. "Hurry up, Shauna, damn it." He started to growl at her. Shauna flinched and she started to clean Calem's side with a rag she found in her purse.

Calem grabbed her wrist tightly and Shauna instantly stopped moving. "W-What's wrong?" She stammered out. She was afraid, Calem could see that that truly, but why? It wasn't like he was going to hurt her.

"Use some alcohol, or something." He muttered to Shauna. He released her hand and she looked down, fearfully. "Hurry up." He said it softly this time.

Shauna nodded her head and she walked around to find a bottle of alcohol, but she only saw a bottle of wine. This is the only thing I see around here. Shauna thought, grabbing the bottle. However, before she could leave a pair familiar arms wrapped themselves around Shauna's waist. "Serena!" She cried out happily.

Serena had a toothy smirk on her face as she kissed Shauna on her cheek. "Hello, darling." She tells Shauna.

Okay, everyone, that's it with this chapter, now it's time to vote!

Which pairing/character should get a story?

Ash×Anabel Sequel ● Obviously



James×Jessie ● Fits with the story

Pike Queen Lucy

And, the most hated character in this book, Calem

Criminal's Soft Spot // AU AbilityshippingWhere stories live. Discover now