9 - Conversation About Ash

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Delia took Anabel by the hand after Ash finally releases her from his grasp. Delia and Anabel walked to a room that had a long table with many chairs. "Alright, Anabel, this will be a quick, but important meeting. Okay?" Delia looks at Anabel to give her permission before she proceed.

"I'm ready." Anabel tells her, holding her arm. Delia frowned at this. Insecure? She let her mind wonder for a moment.

"Ash is an awful person, but he has a heart." Delia started. Anabel experienced the cruel side when Ash shot the man, but she also knew that Ash had a heart because he killed him to protect her.

"I believe it. He saved me." Anabel smiled at the memory. Delia smiled warmly at this. Oho, she is falling for him slowly, but surely. Delia smiled at this thought.

"That's great, dear. Ash is a g-a-n-g leader." She spelled it out because Calem probably was trying to get information. Anabel was shocked by this.

"Eh? But, his gang doesn't seem to cause any trouble for people. If anything, the fight happens because someone else started it." Anabel says, shocking Delia about her knowledge.

"Where did you get that information?" Delia asked her, gently holding her cheek. Anabel sighed.

"It's common knowledge that even a 5 year old knows." Anabel tells Delia, who was shocked that she knew that was the right answer and the right description of Ash's gang. Jessie and James were listening in even though Jessie was supposed to be sleeping now. Delia noticed that as she saw some of Jessie's hair.

"Jessie, get to bed and James, keep your girl from leaving the bed." Delia orders them to. They obeyed because she was scary. They didn't know who was scarier, Ash or Delia.

Anabel watched Delia scold the two adults. Delia turned back to her. "Well, now you know, I'm a gang leader's mother and he is waiting for someone to love him." Delia tells Anabel. Anabel blushed because she knew that Delia knew of her feelings for her son. Maybe, he'll happily love me back. Anabel thought. She didn't want to get her hopes up as she didn't know Ash's type.

But, what she didn't know was that she was Ash's type and she belonged to him. Ash was never going to let her go.

Ash decided to wait until Anabel was fully adjusted to the news that he was a gang leader. He smirked at Delia when Delia gazed at him.

Criminal's Soft Spot // AU AbilityshippingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon