11 - Date Part 2

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Ash encased Anabel's hand in his. Anabel blushed at his hand holding hers. She couldn't believe that they were going on a date. A date! Anabel never thought that she, of all people, would be going on a date.

Romance was the last thing on her mind and now that she was almost involved with Ash Ketchum, she wanted it to last. She gazed at Ash and he gazed back at her. "Where are we going?" Anabel couldn't help but to ask. Ash smirked at her.

"It's a secret, Cutie." Ash answers Anabel. Anabel looked at Ash's suit and she thought that he looked great in it. It fit his muscles perfectly. His hair was still messy, but she wondered if his shirt was going be loose at the end of the day. Anabel blushed heavily when she realized what she was thinking.

Ash was thinking the same about Anabel, but he had no shame in his thoughts. The shirt is showing her modesty. I'd rather have her wear a dress. Yeah, a dress would hug her curves perfectly. Ash thought, looking down Anabel's body. Delia noticed, but she didn't say anything about it. She knew that Ash wouldn't act on his perverted thoughts on the girl until she was ready.

Delia was even surprised that Ash had those thoughts about Anabel. "Are you ready?" She decided to break the moment before they actually get to that process.

Ash was brought back to the real world. "Huh, oh, yeah, I'm ready." Ash says, still not looking away from Anabel. Delia grinned at the two.

"Well, the world is yours. Just be back before Monday." Delia teased them, making Anabel blush very heavily at her words. Wha-? Monday is three days away! She thought.

"She's just joking, Anabel." Ash tells her. I hope. He added as an afterthought mentally.

"O-Of course." Anabel says, making Ash grin. Ash walked with Anabel and he found his motorcycle.

"Here you go." Ash says, helping Anabel up on the motorcycle. His hand brushed against Anabel's butt and Anabel gasped. Oops. Ash thought, not really sorry.

Anabel giggled slightly in embarrassment. "Thank you, Ash." Anabel tells Ash, who climbs onto the motorcycle. Ash starts up his motorcycle and he started to drive. Anabel held onto Ash's waist as they enjoyed the ride.

Ash didn't bother to speak as he knew that Anabel wouldn't hear him and it was vice-versa. When they finally stopped at a location, Ash turned to Anabel. "Where to, Cutie?" Ash asked Anabel. Anabel looked around the area and she was confused.

"Where are we?" She asked, looking at her future boyfriend. Ash grinned at Anabel.

"Welcome to Pallet Central." Ash tells Anabel.

"I have never seen this part of Pallet Town before." Anabel admits. Ash wasn't shocked at this. Pallet Town was known as a quiet town, but within the years, the people of Pallet decided to create something for the tourists that come to visit.

"Then, I can give you a tour." Ash tells Anabel, who grabbed his arm. Ash smiled at her. "I have some great places that I'm sure you'll like." Ash says, taking Anabel to a jewelry shop. The plan was to buy her something and he wanted to get her something.

"That sounds great." Anabel answered happily. Ash smirked at Anabel's response. They walked into the store and Anabel was instany mesmerized by a purple necklace. Ash smiled at this as he knew that he could do what he wanted without her interrupting, not that he minded if she interrupted.

Ash walked to the back of the store and he met with one of his friends. "Yo, Tracy." He greeted simply.

"Ash, my man. What's up? You haven't been around. Everything alright with you?" Tracy asked. Ash smirked at Tracy.

"Yeah. I need a ring." Ash tells Tracy. Tracy grinned and he pulled out a ring that he was saving for Ash.

"My man, this ring is expensive. You have a girl?" Tracy asked.

"Yeah." Ash answered honestly. "She's skittish, however." Ash tells Tracy. Tracy understood that and he gave Ash the ring.

"She's a real beautie, man." Tracy says, eyeing Anabel. Ash nodded her head.

"I know." Ash commented. "And, she's mine." Ash warns Tracy.

"Of course, Ash. I won't steal your girl. He probably will, though." Tracy tells Ash, who turned around quickly to see Brock flirting with his girl.

"Don't you dare." Ash warns Brock, who was close to kissing her. Brock stared at Ash in shock.

"Ash, hi! Oh shit, she's yours!" Brock yells exclaimed. Brock instantly released Anabel's hands and Anabel went to Ash's side.

Ash glared at Brock and he gently cupped Anabel's face in his hands and he inched his lips closer to Anabel's face. Anabel was nervous, but she was willing to kiss Ash.

Their lips touched and they were in bliss. Anabel blushed and Ash had a light blush on his cheeks from the kiss he gave to Anabel. When they finally separated from each other, they were breathing heavily. "That was...great." Ash tells Anabel.

Anabel hmm for a bit. "You're right. That was amazing." Anabel tells Ash.

"We were supposed to kiss at midnight, but I guess this makes us a couple now." Ash tells Anabel.

Anabel nodded her head and she laid her head on Anabel's chest. They weren't ready to confess to one another until they were ready.

They stayed out for the duration of the day having fun and just talking. When they got back to the house, Ash had taken off his jacket and shirt, leaving him shirtless. Anabel loosened her shirt and she fell into bed with Ash as they fell asleep holding each other.

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