21 - Consequences of Our Actions

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3 Months Later...

Calem was being carried by two policemen who held a very strong grip on him. "Let me go, damn you!" He growled out. When he passed by his parents, he gasped and he stopped fighting the officers.

"He stopped fighting us." The first policeman noticed.

"Yeah, his parents are right there, but his parents are here for another reason." The other policeman answered.

Ash was holding the execution of Calem and Serena's parents for stealing important items from him. When Ash meet them wearing a suit, they knew they made a mistake. "So, you come on my property and steal my things, huh?" Ash asked. Either of the two people answered Ash.

"Don't ignore him." A girl's voice appeared to be heard from behind Ash. The parents looked past Ash to see Anabel. Her belly was slightly big to show that she was pregnant.

"Who is this?" Calem's father asked.

"My lover. Your son kidnapped her and almost raped her." Ash answered calmly, although he was nothing but calm. Calem's parents were shocked at this. "My mother was nothing but motherly to your son, but he had other plans." Ash continued as Anabel took in a big breath to prepare herself.

"What do you mean?" The young man's mother asked.

"My mother adopted Calem as my little brother and her younger son. He tried to kill me when we were younger and he killed my best friend just to spite me because I was receiving the gang that it my blood right." Ash tells Calem's parents who tried to plead with Ash, but Ash was having none of it as he shot both parents in their heads to make it quickly as possible.

Calem was shocked at this, but then he grew angry. "I will fucking kill you, Ash Ketchum! You are nothing to me now!" He shouted at Ash, who simply gazed at him.

He walked out of the room and he told Calem something. "You've been nothing to me ever since you murdered Gary." He said with a cold tone.

As the policemen dragged a cursing Calem away, Ash looked at Anabel looking away from the bodies. "I'm sorry, baby." Ash says, holding Anabel's hand. Anabel breathed in and out heavily.

"It's fine. I should be used to it, anyway. Crime is everywhere." Anabel says, placing her head on Ash's chest.

"No, baby. You are an innocent butterfly. You shouldn't be used to it. You're gonna bring in another innocent butterfly in the world, Cutie." Ash tells Anabel, lovingly rubbing her stomach.

This is the last chapter of Criminal's Soft Spot! Man, that makes me so sad, but never fear, a sequel will be written about Ash and Anabel's love life called...

Criminal's Wife!

All of the spinoffs that I am planning will be written at a later date. Also, I don't know when Criminal's Wife will be published as I am in college now, meaning less free time and more work to do. But, I should have it published soon. I hope everyone enjoyed this story and please tell me what you thought about it.

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