Pike Queen Lucy Teaser

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Long black hair flew behind her as she narrowed her eyes at her men. "What the fuck?" She demanded from them.

The men only stared at their leader in fear and they were afraid to answer. They didn't want to anger their boss even more than they already have. She's scary! All of them thought. "Miss Lucy-." One of the men started, but Lucy shot near the man.

"You call me Queen Lucy or Pike Queen Lucy, understand?!" She shouted in rage.

"Yes, ma'am." He cowered before the woman. Lucy glared at the man before she relaxed as she heard a small meow. Everyone gasped as a small orange kitten founded it way to Lucy's foot.

They thought that Lucy was going to kill it, but they were shocked when they saw Lucy gently holding it and petting it. "Tabby, my baby, what are you doing outside of the house? You should be in bed." Lucy tells Tabby, who was trying to reach Lucy's hand. In truth, Tabby was blind and Lucy only wanted to help her.

Lucy glared at the men working under her as they stared in shock. At her glare, they left her and the small kitten alone. "Why do you stick with me, Tabby? I'm the worst of the worst of the criminals. I'm a gangster. Oh well, you're a cute animal." Tabby meowed in response to Lucy's statement.

As Lucy walked to her meeting room with Tabby in tow, she met with some powerful men. "Well, gentlemen, shall we get started?" She asked.

Should I write this?

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