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McKayla's POV:

I arrived back at home at a late hour, life has gotten busier as time as gone on. I set my stuff down on the granite countertop, hearing the kids goofing around upstairs. I meet the kids who were all gathered in Peyton's room.

"Hi mom," Noah says.

"Hi guys, how was your day?" I questioned leaning against the door frame. The explained their day with such excitement and in much detail. "I'm glad you guys had fun, but you guys better get headed to bed."

"Okay, goodnight guys." Noah, Summerlyn, and Briella wave walking out to their own rooms.

"Goodnight kids." I smiled. "Night P, I love you." I smiled.

"Love you too, night." She smiles back. I flick off her light, once her room turns dark, I quietly closed the door. I checked on all the kids before I noticed Ryan in his office staring intently at his trophies.

"Hey sweetheart." He greets feeling my presence in the room.

"Hi." I smiled. "What's up?" I questioned noticing something was bothering him.

"I think I'm ready to retire." He sighs.

"What?" I asked shocked. I never, in a million years, thought I would hear the word retire come out of his mouth. "Why?"

"It just feels like a good time, the right time. Life is getting busier for us, you. I wanna spend more time with you and our kids. I've accomplished everything I've dreamed of and more. I think it's my time to step down."

"It's your career Ryan, only you are in control of when you call it. And as sad and shocked as I am, if you think it's time, I'm going to be behind you all the way. You still have a whole season in front of you, and you can still decide even during. I just don't want you rushing into this decision too fast."

"I'll think about it more, but I don't know how I'm going to tell everyone."

"I know you're questioning this decision, so I think it's best to keep it to ourselves. And once you've made a final decision, then we'll find out a way to tell people."

Because I Had You | Ryan Blaney | Book 5Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang