Chapter 22 | stand by you

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McKayla's POV:

It was just another routine day at the Blaney house. I rounded up the kids, took them to school, and took Jordyn with me to work for a while. I had business to do at Whit and Kay's to keep me busy the rest of the day, while Ryan had his meeting with Roger and Emma.

"Hey Whit." I greeted.

"Hey M." She greeted helping check out a customer. I dropped off all my things in the work from, before meeting Whitney at the front counter with Jordyn in my arms. "How's business today?"

"Slow, but that's a typical Wednesday for us." She shrugs. "How's Ryan?"

"He has his meeting today. I pray he is over this whole situation." I sighed. "He puts so much unnecessary pressure on himself, that it gets the best of his emotions."

@mckaylablaney: Hard to believe it's three weeks till the season ends and @blaney ends an unbelievable career. Growing up as a kid in a racing family was an experience, to say the least. People expected a lot of you if you had the last name of Elliott. New blog up now about growing up as an Elliott and my story of pursuing something more than just racing.

Comments:@chaseelliott: man

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@chaseelliott: man... 20+ years did wonders for us sis 😂
@carsonapple: ain't u guys just cute
@bubbawallace: name a more icon brother and sister... I'll wait
@cindyelliott: love you guys to pieces ❤️ beyond proud of how far both of you have come!
@blaney: ain't u just a cutie 😂😍

Whitney was right, Wednesday's at the shop was definitely the slowest, but business started to pick up a tad as the afternoon rolled around.

"Hello this is Whit and Kay's, Whitney speaking how may I help you?" Whitney answers the phone. "Mac, it's for you." She says handing over the phone.

"Hello, McKayla Blaney speaking," I answered.

"Hello Mrs. Blaney, this is Principal Webber. I'm calling you concerning your son Noah Blaney." Mr. Webber informs me. "Noah was sent to the office due to inappropriate behavior. If you're not busy, could you come by and pick him up?"

"Of course, I'm on my way."

I end the phone call, letting out an exasperating breath. I inform Whitney about Noah's situation, and she understandingly lets me go and calls in one of our employees to finish the shift.

I soon found myself inside of Noah's school, meeting him in the principal's office. Noah sat in a seat near the corner of the room. His face held steady in the direction of the ground. His chin was displayed a fresh bruise, and I got a sense of what took place.

"Noah will be let off with a warning. He may return to school tomorrow. Unfortunately, both he and the other young man will not talk about what happened."

"His father and I will be discussing this tonight. I am so sorry, he's usually not like this."

"Do not worry Mrs. Blaney. I was quite surprised when he got sent in. He's a good student and I'm sure he had a reason."

"Thank you, come on Noah." I motioned him. Noah still walked with his head down as we exited out of school. "You wanna tell me what happened?" I questioned placing Jordyn back in her car seat.

"Some kid was talking bad things about dad." He mumbled. "I was just standing up for daddy." He adds. Noah was way too smart to even for his age. He had morals and priorities at the age of almost ten. But also how ironic was it that this happened on the day of Ryan's meeting?

"What were they saying about dad?"

"How he doesn't deserve to win and stuff, and I didn't see how it was fair for them to say those things."

"And you hit your classmate?"

"I couldn't take it any longer. I'm sorry mom."

"We're still discussing with dad, but it's okay Noah. You were standing up for dad and I can understand that. But next time that happens tell you're teacher and let them handle it."

"Okay, I will."

"I love you and I'm proud of you always."

"Love you too mom."

Because I Had You | Ryan Blaney | Book 5Where stories live. Discover now