Chapter 24 | fight like hell

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McKayla's POV:

| Phoenix Race |

"I'm here with Ryan Blaney, who is in a must-win situation, you'll be rolling off fifth today. What have you down to prepare yourself for this race?"

"Honestly? Not much, I'm just trying to make the most of these last two weeks I have. I spent the majority of yesterday and today with my wife, my girls, and my son. I've just been so incredibly grateful for them, they're the reason why I do this."

"Thoughts about the competition today?"

"It's going to be tough for sure, but this team and I tend to thrive under pressure."

| Pre-Race |

"Please rise and remove your hats as our National Honor Guard presents our nation's colors. Please remain standing as Pastor Nick Gainers has tonight's invocation."

"Let us pray. Dear gracious Heavenly Father, we thank you for a beautiful afternoon here in Phoenix. Father, we ask you to please be with the drivers and their teams as they compete here tonight. And please be with the men and women overseas fighting for our freedom. But overall please come again soon. In your name, amen."

"Please remain standing as local recording artist Jillian Michaels sings our national anthem." During this time Ryan wraps his left arm around my waist, pulling me closer towards him, readjusting Jordyn in my arms. The song ends and we gathered in our family prayer.

"Lord, thank you for this beautiful night you've blessed us with. Please be with Ryan tonight as he has a long race ahead of him. We ask you to please bless Ryan and his crew with your strength and endurance. With obstacles and ever-present danger everywhere, please hold Ryan safely in your arms. And Lord bless the competition, the crews, the fans, and all the friends and family here today. In your name amen." I prayed.

"Amen," Ryan says. "Thank you, sweetheart. I love you."

"I love you too Ry. Be safe." I smiled giving him one more hug. "Give them hell." I smiled placing my lips on his.

"Now that's more inspiration than I will ever need." He chuckles bending down to the kids' levels. "I love you guys."

"We love you too dad," Summerlyn says pulling something out of her pocket. My heart broke what I saw in her hand. "Put this in your car." She whispers handing Ryan a picture of Peyton. Ryan speechlessly grasps the picture and stares at it for a moment.

"I will," Ryan says with tears in his eyes.

| End of Stage 1 |

"Championship contender Emma Purdy will win stage one. Elliott will finish second, Byron third, and Blaney fifth."

"Car is way too tight in the dogleg."

| End of Stage 2 |

"Bubba Wallace comes and wins stage two. Blaney third, Jones fourth, Preece seventh, and Elliott eleventh."

Cars file into pit road for another stop.

"Ryan Blaney will win the race off of pit road over Elliott and Wallace."

The Noah and Summerlyn cheered as Ryan pulled back on to the track behind the pace car.

"We have a penalty issued on pit road involving one of the championship contenders!" The announcers exclaimed. My heart almost stopped beating. I was praying it wasn't Ryan. "The 12 car of Ryan Blaney was caught speeding exiting pit road!"

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