Chapter 9 | triumphant return

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McKayla's POV:

It's been over two months since the death of Peyton, life has gone on. Ryan continued to find success in the Cup Series, Blaney Motorsports is flourishing. My projects have been all smooth sailing. Whitney and I were in the process of opening seven new Whit and Kay stores across the country, I kept up with my blog which had been getting lots of attention. On the side of all of this, Ryan and I had a secret project on the side.

"Come on guys, dad is waiting for us!" I call out. The kids came running out all decked out with their dad's merchandise.

"Ready!" Noah cheers.

| Pre Race |

"I see Ryan Blaney, our pole-sitter for tonight's race." Michael Waltrip says making his way through towards us. "Ryan, you have a fast car and have proven that in practice. What do you think your chances are today?"

"Good actually, we were lacking a bit at the beginning of the week but gained a lot in second practice and in qualifying. We'll just have to wait and see but I think we have a top-five car, but I think in order to win tonight I'll have to beat my teammate Emma." Ryan replies.

"Right, your Penske teammate Emma (Turner) is back. What threat will she be bringing to the table?"

"Her motivation is through the roof, she's going to be tough to beat. Her and Elliott are going to be my top competition when it comes down to Homestead."

"Let's talk to the stars of the family the Blaney twins. Hey guys, do you think dad is gonna win today?"

"Of course," Summerlyn replies.

"What about Uncle Elliott?"

"Second," Noah replies making us all laugh.

"Hey! I heard that!" Chase yells a car over.

"That's my boy." Ryan chuckles.

"You sure raised them right." Michael compliments. "Nice to see you McKayla, looking gorgeous as usual."

"Thank you." I smiled.

"I'm going to find your brother and see what he thinks of Noah's statement," Michael says running off. I laughed. I turned around and see Michael talking to Chase.

"Noah! He doesn't agree with you." Michael says. "But if it helps I'm with you all the way dude!" He adds. Noah gives Michael a thumbs up.

"Please rise and remove your hats as our National Honor Guard presents our nation's colors. Please remain standing as Pastor Lock has tonight's invocation."

"Let us pray. Dear gracious Heavenly Father, we thank you for a beautiful night here in Daytona. Father, we ask you to please be with the drivers and their teams as they compete here today. And please be with the men and women overseas fighting for our freedom. In your name, amen."

"Please remain standing as local recording artist Jillian Johnson sings our national anthem." During this time Ryan wraps his left arm around my waist, pulling me closer towards him. After the song ends, I turned over to Ryan, engulfed him in a family hug, and started our pre-race prayer.

"Lord, thank you for this beautiful day you've blessed us with. Please be with Ryan today as he has a long race ahead of him. We ask you to please bless Ryan and his crew with your strength. With obstacles and ever-present danger everywhere, please hold Ryan safely in your arms. And Lord bless the competition, the crews, the fans, and all the friends and family here today. In your name amen." I prayed.

"Amen," Ryan says. "I love you guys."

"We love you too dad." Noah smiled giving him one more hug.

"And I love you, and you, and you." He says kissing Summerlyn, Briella, and Jordyn's foreheads.

"Be safe daddy," Briella says.

"I will, I promise sweetie." He smiles. He climbs into the car.

| Lap 52 |

"Ryan Blaney hard into the inside wall!"

The big one collected many cars, ending the nights of many drivers. All of the Penske cars were out all except for Emma, which was her first race back from injury. The team packs up shop, seeing the damage could not be fixed without having future issues.

I take the kids for a long walk to the infield care center. Ryan walks out with an ice pack on his wrist.

"Are you okay daddy?" Summerlyn gasps.

"I'm alright sweetheart, just a little bruised, nothing to worry about." He reassures her. The rest of the race we spent in the motor home. "Should we do it now?" Ryan whispers. I nodded walking over to the fridge. "Briella, come here for a second." Ryan motions her over. "You too kids."

"Happy birthday again sweetheart." I smiled pulling out her cake. We sing happy birthday, enjoy eating some cake and watching the end of the race.


The kids rapidly jumped up and down making the motor home shake a bit. We packed up our things before meeting Emma in victory lane to celebrate her first victory.

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