Chapter 17 | let me down slowly

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Chase's POV:

"Hey McKayla, what's up?" I answered the phone.

"Hello, is this McKayla Blaney's brother?" Another voice answers. Confused, I checked the caller ID once again, and it was McKayla's phone.

"Uh yes this is, who is this?" I questioned walking out of the garage.

"This is Kelly, I'm a nurse at the hospital in Mooresville. Sorry to say, but unfortunately your sister was caught up in an accident, and you were the first person in her emergency contacts."

"Accident? Is she okay?" My voice got louder.

"I do not have that information at the moment, but is there any chance you are in town?"

"I'm in New York."

"Is her husband around? Maybe a mother or father?"

"Best chance would be our mother, I'll give her a call," I say losing focus on the words coming out of my mouth. I quickly ended the conversation and called mom right way. "Hey, you need to get to the hospital ASAP," I explained. "I just got a call from a nurse, and apparently McKayla was in a car accident? They didn't give me any information." I explained.

"Slow down sweetheart," Mom says, I didn't realize how rapidly I was speaking but I was too worried to even notice. I explained in again, this time more slowly. "Okay, I'll go see what's up and I'll call you, okay? Just calm down, I'll call you soon."

"What's up, man? You look like you just ran a marathon." Ryan jokes.

"Ryan, it's McKayla-" I say.

"What? What about her?"

"She got into an accident."

"What?" He freaks out. "Is she alright?"

"I don't know, my mom is going over to see," I explained.

Ryan seemed conflicted by what to do. McKayla and him still weren't on speaking terms after their conversation about his drinking. Ryan seemed to be stopping his drinking before he got in too deep. We had a heart to heart conversation just the other night, and I told him I wanted what was best for my sister. She didn't need the stress and revisiting all the emotional and physical trauma she went through, all that negative emotion is bad for her pregnancy. He was willing to stop.

Third Person's POV:

As Chase and Ryan were worried all the way in New York, Cindy rounded up Briella and Jordyn into the car and made her way to the hospital.

Upon arriving at the hospital, Cindy was informed her daughter was about to go into surgery. McKayla had some heavy internal bleeding, putting her and the baby at risk. The doctor informed Cindy that he would try everything in his power to make sure McKayla and the baby came back unharmed, but he again made no promises. Because we all know promises are meant to be broken.

Cindy got comfortable in the waiting room, this is where she would sit for hours upon hours as her daughter and her unborn grandchild went under the knife. Cindy attempted to keep the two kids occupied with toys and books, as she made the difficult phone call to Chase.

"Hey mom, any news?"

"Honey, she was in a pretty serious car accident. She's about to go into surgery, she has a lot of internal bleeding." Cindy explained as best she could.

"I'm on my way," Chase says willing to drop just about anything to get to his sister's side. Chase delivers the news to Ryan, who also dropped everything in a heartbeat. Chase and Ryan informed their teams, as they prepared for a substitute driver to fill in for tomorrow's race. Ryan and Chase packed everything up, the whole Blaney and Elliott family left for North Carolina.

Upon arriving in NC, and making a straight line towards the hospital, Cindy met everyone outside of McKayla's room, who had just gotten out of a long and difficult surgery.

"Where is she?" Ryan asked in a panic. A doctor slips out from the room, with a concerned look on his face. "Is my wife okay?" Ryan pounds the doctor with a million questions.

"Mrs. Blaney went through a lot during the surgery, but despite her heart rate dropping a few times, it was still successful. She's awake and alert, but unfortunately, we couldn't save the baby. I'm sorry for your loss, if it gives you any peace, it was a boy." The doctor says. "If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask. You may visit her, but please one at a time."

"Ryan, go," Chase says motioning him. Chase grabs Summerlyn who was sleeping in Ryan's arms, completely unaware about her mom. Ryan takes a breath preparing himself, his hand shakily grabs the handle, sliding the open enough just to slip his body though. McKayla turns her head with tears appeared in her eyes. She holds her hand out as Ryan hesitantly takes it.

McKayla threw away every ounce of anger and disappointment and sadness she had towards Ryan. Right now she just wanted to be held by the one who had given her so much pain, but yet so much love. Ryan tried his best to comfort her, but so much remorse filled up him, he too started to cry. There sat there in the hospital bed mourning together.

"We'll get through this, I promise," Ryan whispers. "We always do."

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