Chapter 12 | hopeful future

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McKayla's POV:

The kids ran into the house from playing outside, full of excitement and innocence. Ryan trudged in after a long day of talking more to the authorities about the break-in at Blaney Motorsports.

"Any news?"

"No, whoever they are they're long gone by now. We won't be able to run Kentucky this weekend. I've ordered parts but they won't be here till next Monday." Ryan sighs.

"Have you talked to Chase? Maybe CEM has extra parts?" I questioned sorting through the mail. "Or Penske?"

"Worth a try." Ryan shrugs. "It's already been a long week and it's only Tuesday for fucking sake." He mumbled under his breath. "When is everyone getting here?"

"Hour and a half, two hours?" I questioned looking at the time. "Chase and Lennox are coming in about ten minutes to help set up and cook," I added. Lennox and Ryan were the only people who knew about my pregnancy, we didn't even tell the kids or Chase. This would be a surprise for everybody.

Chase and Lennox arrived, Lennox helped me in the kitchen, while the guys went out and started grilling.

"Have you told to kids?"

"No, they'll find out tonight as well. I just hope Summerlyn is excited, she just hasn't been the same. If any kid will have trouble accepting, it will definitely be her." I sighed mixing the salad together.

"Has she been going good in school?"

"Yeah, I've talked to her teacher, nothing out of the ordinary."

| 1 hour later |

Everybody arrived, all of our friends and family filled our enormous back yard with talking and laughter. The crowd of kids were running around the yard playing by the sand leading towards the lake.

"Kids come here." I motioned to Noah, Summerlyn, and Briella.

"Ready?" Ryan questions adjusting Jordyn in his arms. I nod as the kids ran up to us. "Can I have everybody's attention please!" Ryan asks a few times before capturing everyone's attention. "We'd like to thank everyone for coming out for one, we really enjoy having you guys over."

"But the reason why we have gathered you all here is that Ryan and I have something very special to tell you guys." I smiled. "We'd like to announce that we're expecting!" I exclaimed. The crowd of people burst out in loud cheers and claps.

"Really?" Noah gasps in excitement.

"What?" Briella questions.

"We're getting a new brother or sister!" Noah jumps up and down. Summerlyn smiles for a slight moment before it faded as she probably remembered Peyton in the moment of all of this.

"Congratulations bestie!" Whitney exclaims running up to me, squeezing me tightly.

"Congratulations!" Emma (Turner) and Chase (Purdy) come up afterward. "I can't wait to be an auntie again!"

"So excited for you guys." Joey and Brittany come up.

"Love you sis, I can't wait to see this little one." Chase comes up with his face beaming with thrill.

"YRB my man, you still got it my man." Bubba hugs Ryan, as Amanda and I started up a conversation.

The rest of the evening flowed flawlessly together. Everyone enjoyed a nice dinner and relaxed by the lake, the kids still had loads of energy still left in them. As the sun began to set people left back to their homes one by one. Ryan and Chase began to clean up the backyard, while Lennox and I started on the dishes. Jordyn was fast asleep, as the rest of the kids got prepared for bed.

| Night |

"I still can't believe it."

"You've had five children Ryan." I chuckled finishing up an email, before placing my laptop beside the bed.

"It still doesn't seem real after all these years." Ryan laughs. "Peyton would've been so excited." He sighs placing a gentle hand on my stomach.

"She always loved kids." I weakly smiled. Ryan and I's attention turned as there was a tiny knock on our door. The doorknob rattles as the door slowly swung open revealing Summerlyn.

"Hey honey, what's up?"

"I'm sorry." She says shyly.

"Sorry for what darling?" I questioned sitting up.

"For being quiet and not really talking." She explains. Ryan motioned her over patting an empty spot between us. Ryan lifts her up placing her between us.

"You have nothing to be sorry for Sum," I replied. "We know it's been hard for you. You and P were the best of friends. It just takes some time to heal."

"You don't have to apologize for anything. We're just glad you're talking to us, we've been worried about you." Ryan explains. "But you're mother and I love you so much."

"I love you too." She says. "And I'm also excited about the baby." She hugs my stomach. "I'll be the best big sister ever." She whispers into my stomach.

@mckaylablaney: #6 👶🏻🎈@blaney

Comments:@nascar: Congrats!!!@carsonapple: anotha one 😱❤️@ashleybusch: congratulations! Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy!@teamhendrick: Congratulations McKayla & Ryan!@teampenske: make Penske cuter again @blaney: I love you so much ❤️@sa...

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@nascar: Congrats!!!
@carsonapple: anotha one 😱❤️
@ashleybusch: congratulations! Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy!
@teamhendrick: Congratulations McKayla & Ryan!
@teampenske: make Penske cuter again
@blaney: I love you so much ❤️
@samanthabusch: congrats!!! Kyle, Brexton, and I are praying for you!
@whitandkays: ✨😍😭💫

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