Chapter 13 | who do you love

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McKayla's POV:

New Hampshire came and went by in an instant. Ryan and the team finished second to Emma who won the race.

It was an early morning in the Blaney household. Most of the kids were up extremely early. Jordyn has been fighting a slight cold, which keeps her up most throughout the night, so I called into work. Ryan went to BMS early so he could get home hopefully a little after lunchtime.

"Summerlyn, Noah come get your plates," I called out placing breakfast on their plates. As the kids got settled in the dining room, the doorbell rings.

"Were you expecting somebody?" Ryan questions getting up from his seat. I shake my head as Ryan went to take care of it. "McKayla, it's for you."

"What?" I questioned also walking towards the door. Chase's face appeared, he had bags underneath his eyes telling me he had no sleep, his hair was a mess showing me he'd been running his hand through his hair in frustration. Ryan leaves quietly, as I stepped outside with Chase. "What's going on?"

"Lennox and I are getting a divorce."

"What? Why?"

"She cheated on me a while ago." He stuffs his hands into his pockets. He quickly removes them and sits down on the concrete step.

"And you just found out?" I sat towards him.

"I've known for a while, but I didn't want to tell anyone."

"Chase, I'm your sister, you should know you can always talk me."

"You and Ryan are just perfect together-"

"You thought I was going to judge you?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Ryan and I's marriage is far from perfect, no marriage is perfect. Chase, I would never judge you or your life decisions."

"I've tried to work it out with her, but I just can't."

"What's going to happen with the kids and living situation?"

"We're having joint custody with William and Delaney, Bryant, but since Kendall is not biologically related to Lennox, I would get full custody of her," Chase explained.


"But I'm not going to keep Kendall away, she needs a mom figure in her life. As for the living situation, I'm giving Lennox the house. I'm going to try to find a new place today."

"Well, as much as I don't think she deserves it, I'm proud of you for being the bigger person. And you know you are always welcome to stay here till you find a place of your own."

"Actually, I was wondering if you'd like to come house hunting with me?"

"I'd love too."

| later that day |

"Make yourself at home," Emma says taking off the cooking gloves and placed them back in the drawer. Ryan and I take a seat on the couch. "Do you guys have any ideas on what the gender is?" Emma leaned against the counter.

"Too early to know just yet. I'm seriously hoping for a boy, but I think it'll be a girl." Ryan responded, before looking back at me.

"Knowing our luck, it'll most likely be a girl. We got lucky with Noah." I replied.

"You guys really do need another boy, too many girls." Chase (Purdy) started to laugh.

"Tell me about it." Ryan chuckled.

"Do you guys plan on having kids by any chance?" I asked.

"No, we don't plan on it." Emma scratched the back of my head.

Because I Had You | Ryan Blaney | Book 5Where stories live. Discover now