Chapter Seventeen

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Everyone is buzzing about how Jennifer broke her leg. Macaria smiles when she hears about it. Something tells me that her fall wasn't just a freak accident. Am I mad about it? No. Do I think it's right? No. Jennifer was a little catty yesterday, and she just happened to be catty with the wrong person. Honestly I'm worried for Macaria and I's first argument.

As the days go by, I'm starting to realize that I'm with a girl who is capable or going to be capable of taking my life. Then again everyone is capable of that. Macaria is just different, I know how easy it would be for her. Or Lucifer.

"How about a date night Friday?" I mumble into Macaria's hair as I hold her. She's being extra clingy today. She nods in agreement.

Mark speaks up, "We can make it a double date!"

I raise an eyebrow, "You're dating someone?"

"What can I say?" He shrugs, motioning to Macaria and I, "I was inspired by you guys."


Mark jiggles his leg under the table, i kick him. His date is late and Macaria has disappeared into the bathroom. I drum my fingers on the table. Tonight has been a disaster. Macaria and I argued just before this about who was going to drive. Of course she wanted to take her car and meet me here, but since she drives a sports car and it's currectly snowing I wanted to pick her up in my Jeep because it has four wheel drive. Not to mention the fact that I've seen her driving.

She's still irritated with me, for what reason I have no idea. But it was making Mark nervous so I think that's why she left. I can only dream that she'll come back without an attitude. I watch as Mark pulls a flask from his jacket. He unscrews the cap and takes a long swig.

"Here, you look like you've had a long night." He passes it to me. I hesitate, before taking a good sized drink. The liquor burns all the way down. I shake my head when he hands it back.

One drink won't kill me, but I don't want to risk it with the snow. After dinner, I'll definitely be okay to drive. I hear the thubbing of Macaria's boots as she approaches the table. I stand and let her slide in towards the window of the small pizza parlor we're in.

"I don't think she's coming, let's just order." Mark mumbles, staring at his phone.

"We can wait a few more minutes...?" Macaria suggest, but Mark shakes his head. We flag down a waitress and Mark orders what we all agreed on. I stare mindlessly as the empty seat next to Mark. Wondering why his girl didn't show.

Macaria huffs and Mark looks uncomfortable. I frown, looking at a seething Macaria.

"What's your problem?" I murmur, low enough she only hears. She gives me a glare and doesn't respond. I excuse myself, my temper flaring at the show of attitudes.

In the bathroom I slam my hands down on the counter and look at myself in the mirror. The level of anger coursing through my veins is unnecessary, but I can't help it. She just rubs me wrong when she wants to. Please, just give me the strength to get through this girl's attitude because I don't know what I'd do without her. Never in my life as one girl stressed me out as much as she has. It's unbelievable how in such a short time she's managed to not only turn me to mush, but make me fall head over heels for her. And I can't stop the nagging voice in the back of my head telling me to slow down.

But I sort of feel like a rock pushed off the edge of a steep hill. Started slow, but then didn't realize how fast I was going until it was too late. There's also a part of me that questions her feelings for me. Macaria isn't the best at affection or feelings and most of the time she leaves me wondering if she even likes me.

After I calm down, wondering why both of us are so quick to have our tempers flare, I take my seat next to Macaria. Our pizza arrived and Mark looked utterly terrified. I raise an eyebrow at him, while Macaria is preoccupied with her pizza, he widens his eyes and looks at her. She must have done something, said something. I almost chuckle, I'm sure his face is what I looked like for the first few weeks of knowing Macaria.

After dinner, Mark is the first to leave. We stay a little longer while Macaria finishes her lava cake. Her mood seems a bit better, but she still isn't really talking to me. Sighing, I pull out my phone and text my mom that I'll be home soon. She replies with an okay and that she's going to bed. I chew on my lip, suddenly realizing I haven't been spending much time with her. Macaria is definitely a handful and a half. Between that and preparing for the upcoming exams, I'm rarely ever there at home when mom is.

"You ready to go?" I ask as Macaria finishes her last bit of cake. I place money down on the table and we leave after I help her get her enormous designer looking coat on.

Once we are on our way back home, I turn the radio down and glamce at her, "So are you going to tell me what your problem is?"

She glares, crossing her arms like a two year old, "Girls keep flirting with you and you do nothing."

I grip the steering wheel and grit my teeth. She's been mad about that this whole time? Girls flirt with me? "I don't even notice other females! You keep me busy enough, why would I pay attention to-"

"Oh so now I'm the problem?" She snaps.

"Yes-" I glance over at her then back at the road to see I've veered out of my lane with a truck coming at us head on.

On instinct I steer back into my lane and press the brakes. My tires spin on the ice and the car does a 180 turn to face backwards. All I hear is Macaria's screaming. It reminds me of the shrieks from Hell. My heart beats a mile a minute, my breathing shallow. For a few seconds we sit in silence. I watch the snow fall outside the car, watching as it dances in the slight wintery breeze. When it lands on the windshield of my car, it melts, disappearing.

"Xavier? Are you okay?" Macaria sniffles, grabbing my chin so I look at her. Tears cut trails down her cheeks, while her concern filled eyes scan my face.

"What?" Anger floods my body. She asks if I'm okay again and if I'm hurt. I bark out of humorless laugh. I'm mad at myself for getting distracted. I'm mad at her for getting mad about females flirting with me. But mostly I'm just mad because I nearly killed her and she's asking if I'm okay.

"Are you serious right now?" I snap, jerking my face out of her hold. She recoils as if I hit her.

"Yeah?" Her eyebrows furrow.

I grip the wheel, letting my foot off the break I turn the car around and pull off on the shoulder, throwing my fourways on. My mind races, but everything is clouded with a panicked anger. "I could have killed you and you just ask if I'm okay."

"It's not your fault, I distracted you." She replies, looking at me with wide eyes.

"You distracted me, but I'm supposed to be the one keeping you safe." My voice is raised, causing her to flinch. She quickly recovers and scowls.

"You act like I'm fragile!"

"No, I just don't want to be the one who kills you!"

She glares at me through her tears. There's a long pause where we don't say anything. I replay the moment in my head, if I hadn't said anything, this wouldn't have happened. Mom always told me to never drive angry or argue while driving. Disgust with myself washes over me. I nearly killed her. Repeats in my head like a broken record.

I start the car and pull off the shoulder, heading in the direction of her house.

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