Chapter 9

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"Do you care for me?" I ask. Sam sighs and walks away from me, but I take hold of his wrist and am able to make him stop. "Answer me," I demand.

"Okay, no," Sam replies. My grip loosens and I just stand there absolutely speechless. "You wanted an answer, you got one." He turns on his heel and starts toward the Impala.

"Sam," I call out. Sam stops and turns to face me. "You said there were things that you could remember," I pause to collect myself -- even though I feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest, I am not going to cry, "You remember some things, and you what? How were you going to finish that sentence?" Sam just shakes his head and continues to move forward.

I should've known better than to expect a different answer, I'm stupid to think that maybe if I keep asking him the same question that his answer might change. That's the definition of insanity -- trying the same thing multiple times expecting a different result. I don't need to be tested to know that I am, in fact, insane. I've known that there's something wrong with me the day that I was stupid enough to meet with my dad again.

To think that maybe my life would've been decent if I wasn't so desperate to spend time with him as a child. I could be sitting around at home, watching Dr. Sexy, doing things that normal people do. I could live not knowing that there are things out there in the dark -- I could live with my false sense of security. But of course that life would never last, in the end, those monsters would always find their way back to me.

I'm snapped out of my daze when my phone starts to go off. I expect it to be Castiel, but it's my dad calling me. "Hi," I answer.

"I've got something for you guys," he replies.

"It's so nice to hear from you too," I say sarcastically. I always do that when he doesn't even bother to say hello or ask how I'm doing -- whenever he just starts to talk about a job, he better expect a sarcastic reply.

"Okay, hi. I hope you're having the best day ever," he replies sarcastically, Like father like daughter. "But please, listen. This job, there have been four disappearances in the past couple weeks."

"Where?" I ask.

"I was getting to that. Elwood, Indiana. Just tell the boys what I just told you, and I want you to go too," dad says. He hangs up without saying goodbye.

"Love you too," I mutter. I stuff my phone back in my pocket and join the boys as they sit on the hood of the Impala, waiting for me.

"Who was that?" Dean asks.

"Dad. He's got a case for us. Come on, we gotta go," I reply. I sit down and slam the door shut behind me.

"Easy, you can't be so rough with her. You might scratch up the doors or something," Dean says, acting as if the Impala is a living and breathing thing. My mood goes from sad to furious within a matter of seconds, I don't understand all of my mood swings. "What's this case or whatever that Bobby wants us to do?"

"Call him yourself," I reply angrily. I lay across the seat with my head laying on Sam's leather coat that he threw into the back seat. I inhale the scent of his cologne that is still heavy on his coat. I close my eyes, ignoring the sound of the rock music that Dean is blasting through his speakers.

"Olivia," Sam's voice says in the distance. I open my eyes, my surroundings are unfamiliar, but the man standing before me is all too familiar. I appear to be laying on a bed, and I'm in some random motel room -- I feel like I've been here before, but I'm not entirely sure. "Olivia," Sam repeats.

I sit up. I look around to see if anyone else is in the room too, but it seems to be just Sam and I. Sam gives me his hand and helps me up, something is really off about this entire thing -- I'm sure Lucifer is gonna show up or something. Sam doesn't seem like his soulless self, he seems different.

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