Chapter 17

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His alarm goes off and it wakes me up too like it always does. He groans and presses the snooze button. He rolls over and meets my eyes as I start to wake up. "Morning, handsome," I say.

"Morning," he replies in a sleepy voice. I turn around and look at my clock, it's 6:30. I turn back to the other side and he presses his lips to mine. "I don't have to be at work for another hour and a half."

"Then why do you set your alarm so early?" I ask.

"Because if I didn't, then I don't think I would ever get up," he replies. I laugh and lay there in his arms -- the arms of the man I've been madly in love with since the eleventh grade. He was a senior and I was a junior.

Jimmy Novak. You wouldn't say that he was popular, but you wouldn't say he was an outcast either. Now me on the other hand, I was the girl you always tried to avoid. The girl with the shady past, and the one accused of murdering her mother.

He never saw me like that. To him, I was the girl that sat in the back of class, trying to avoid eye contact with everyone. Then it started with a note. The punch line, we had no classes together the entire year.

I was in honors classes, he was only looking to graduate. I came to my seat one day and saw a small piece of paper sitting there. "Hi. My name is Jim." I didn't have to guess who it was, I had seen him eyeing me everytime he passed me in the halls.

The note passing went on for the entire semester. Then he stops me in the hallway. I could feel everyone's eyes on us, he was holding my hand in front everyone and he didn't seem to care. "Go out with me. I can't take no for an answer," he told me, and I agreed because everyone had started to listen, but also because he was undeniably cute.

We had our first kiss during that first date. I would never forget my first kiss though, his name was Adam. I have no idea what happened to him. After middle school, I never heard from him


I was able to graduate early, so I graduated with Jimmy. During my first year of college, we kept in touch. Then that first Christmas break, I took him home to meet the family. I think I was more nervous than he was.

He has no idea that my family is a group of hunters. My dad, Bobby Singer, my step-mother, Ellen, and my step-sister, Jo. Then there's Sam and Dean Winchester, but I rarely ever see them. Unfortunately, that was the night they decided to show up.

I spent that entire night on edge, and I think I cut off the circulation in Jimmy's hand. I loved my dad and everything, but Jimmy knew nothing about hunting and I wanted to keep it that way. He also kept a close eye on Dean who always gave me suggestive looks. Dean isn't blood, he's just a stranger who happens to be extremely attractive.

As for the other one, his name is Sam, I could really care less about him. But in a way, I can relate. We're considered freaks and we're only loved by a small number of people. But still...the guy hasn't said one word to me in at least two years.

Dad liked him, said it would be hard keeping the hunting thing a secret, but it would be worth it. He wanted me to get out. He didn't want this life for me and I could see why. I'm just glad he actually put in an effort to raise me instead of leaving.

I remember everything from the day my mom died. How pale she was, her cold, limp, lifeless body lying in the floor in a puddle of her blood. I was young, but I wasn't stupid. I knew she was dead.

I've never told Jimmy anything about my mom, as far as he knows, she got sick. Which in truth, she did. Possession? How could you not call that a sickness?

He cups my face and presses his lips to my forehead. Then the strangest thing happens, someone starts calling me. I groan and get out of bed to check my phone. My heart sinks when I see Sam's name light up the screen; it's never good when Sam calls me.

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