Chapter 15

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AUTHORS NOTE: Today is my birthday. Whoop whoop! <3


A shadow stands in the doorway. "Hello, sweetheart. How are you on this fine morning?" he asks, his accent is thick. Why would Crowley be standing in my bedroom?


I stand there in awe, I was there when Castiel burnt his bones and he turned to a pile of ash. Crowley moves out of the shadows. Instead of his usual scruff, he's growing a full beard and looks like a wreck. He's sporting his usual smirk and all black clothing.

"Surprised to see me?" he asks. I back up and he moves closer towards me. I keep moving backwards until he has up against my window.

" were a pile of ashes right at my feet. How?" I stutter.

"I'm the king of Hell. How could I not come back to life?" He takes a seat on my bed but I continue to stare at him. I have to be dreaming right now, this is another vision and this time Crowley is going to warn me about something. "I couldn't help but hear of your situation."

"Situation? What situation?"

"Oh, don't be daft. We've got the same blood type now. How exciting!" Crowley says cheerfully. My eyes widen, I blink a few times to make sure that I'm actually awake and that this is actually happening right now.

"How could could you possibly know that?" I ask in surprise.

"I've got eyes and ears hiding in places you wouldn't expect. Now," he gets up from the bed and stands in front of me, "you want to get rid of this little problem, don't you?"

I start shaking my head, "No. No freaking way. You're the last person I would ask for help, no matter what it was. Even if it was a matter of life or death, I still wouldn't ask you for help. Get out. Get out before I bring the Moose up here, and I'll make sure the Squirrel is here too." Crowley chuckles and reaches for my hand but I pull away. "Don't you dare touch me," I spit at him.

"Alright, so you don't want my help, but don't you want to hear what I've got to say? Don't you want to hear how I can help you?"

"'Help', don't make me laugh. Your 'help' is either gonna turn me into your slave or kill me. So, how about you go screw yourself and get out of my room before I tear you limb from limb."

"I love it when you talk to me like that, makes me feel all tingly inside." I roll my eyes at him in disgust. "Talk dirty to me some more."

"Get out. If Moose comes up here, I promise he would love to see your insides as much as I would."

He rolls his eyes and paces around the room. "You keep threatening me with those two. What's the worst they're going to do? I'll be gone before they're even able to get up here. Even if you tell them I'm up here, they're going to think you're mad. So how about we just leave this conversation between us? Cause let's be honest, who is going to believe you?"

"Castiel would."

"Don't be so sure about that, sweetheart."

"You have no right to say that. You don't truly know him."

"He's distant family. I've met him on quite a few occasions."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Stuff for me to know, and things that Castiel will have to tell you about. Now, we're getting off topic here. You want to get rid of the demon blood and I have something that might be able to help you."

"I don't want it. It doesn't matter how many times I have to say it, but I don't want your help."

"Don't you want to hear what it is before you shut me down?"

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