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He was suppose to be nothing more than a mechanical scientific experiment my dad had built in hopes that I -his daughter- wouldn't be hurt like he had been when my mother had died when I was five. A mechanical structure that looked like the perfect human being, something with a human males face, and was indestructable.

With his flawless looks, dashing charms, and super strength he could make any girl fall for him, but it was made for me, in hopes that maybe he would be good for me. Yet no one wants a hard exterior creation something that isn't living, isn't actually breathing, or has wires where the heart is suppose to rest.

I didn't want him, and that wasn't what he was programmed to deal with. He was made just for me, with everything that I find perfect, with all that I had wanted from my dad and his assistant spying on me and finding out what I had loved, and desired.

This scientific experiment wasn't suppose to begin to think that it was human, it wasn't suppose to think that if it couldn't have me no one could. He wasn't even suppose to be created in the first place is my thinking.

"Forever and Always." He told me.

A/N- Please give this book a try! I wrote it almost two years ago, and my writing has grown since then. There are errors but it means that I'm not a robot! ;)

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