Chapter Twenty Five

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Dads car drove into the school lot as Lukes hand squeezed mine tightly I know he was nervous for the first day and in ways so was I.

Today would be the day that I would bring my robotic somewhat kind of boyfriend that looked to old to be in school to school with me. That was enough to cause any girl anxiety.

"So this is what school looks like?" He asked in awe looking out my window to see it as it came more into view. All the students that looked like zombies made their way towards the entrance.

"No they're remodeling they still need to add the dungeouns and moats and the dragon." I joked around and he looked at me like he actually believed I was serious.

"I'm just kidding Luke." I said laughing and he seemed relieved by this as dad pulled up to the drop off where all the other parents were dropping their children off.

"Wait one second." He motioned towards me as he quickly got out with his black bag slung over his shoulder as he raced towards my door.

"Bye Mr. McGarth." He called into the car as he helped me out.

"Bye dad."

"Be good you two, love you Nexia, bye Luke. I'll be back at eleven thirty sharp." He told us as Luke grabbed my hand and waved goodbye to my dad as he raced us towards the door eagerly.

"Chill hot shoes."

Luke looked at me and nodded slowing down as we walked past everyone that stared at us. Luke seemed to get territorial again as he slung his arm around my waist protectively and glared at any boy that looked our way.

"Nice way to make friends the first day of school." I aknowledged dryly and he looked down at me innocently like he had no idea what I was talking about.

"I have you that is enough." He told me kissing my forehead, I could feel his fingers tapping my cast impatiently.

"Okay we went to school can we go home now?" He didn't seem so happy about school now that he was here.

"Don't worry it's just a half day. Lets go to class and it will be easier there." I tried to calm his nerves and he nodded as I took out the schedule from my pocket.

"First hour is Calculus."

The rest of the day passed in the same fashion people gawked at us and there were plenty of whispering and Aaron avoided me like the plague mainly because of Luke who glared angrily at him. But by the end of the half day we were both excited to leave and have the rest of the day to ourselves in the convinence of our own home.

Dad was there on time ready to pick us up before he had to go to work but I knew this wouldn't be a daily thing. We would eventually have to ride the bus or if we were lucky get a ride with Aaron. We were practically neighbors after all so it couldn't be all that bad.

Luke held the passenger door opened for me as he closed it behind me to go to the other side.

"How was school kids?" Dad asked curiously and I looked up at him as he looked back at the two of us with a goofy grin on his face.

"Horrendeous." Luke breathed out. Of course for him being the new high school hunk and seeming like the new hottie at school all the girls swarmed him in home room and he had to push his way past them to get to me. That only made the girls become flustered giving me dirty looks but it was worth it to see their anger at getting dissed.

It seemed to be Lukes first mobbing to and it was such an amazing sight to see as he all but jumped over table tops to get to me. Who knew the girls would have been like bees though I've heard about it in books but never had I actually seen something like that.

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