** 8 ** - Y/N L/N

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July of 1943
The next morning

Wayne had not come home last night which I was very happy about. Dawn was approaching and I began to get myself ready as quickly as possible. I wanted to get out of this house before Wayne arrives from wherever he went. I figured he probably went to a bar. Whenever he would go to a bar at night to get drunk, he usually wouldn't come home until the afternoon the next day. Being locked in the house, I learned to notice things like that.

I quickly went into the bathroom to grab any last few belongings of mine. When I looked in the mirror before stepping out, I couldn't believe how terrible I looked. I had a black eye, bruises on my face, a cut on my lip, and marks on my neck from being choked. I looked so pale too. I couldn't stand looking at myself anymore, so I went back to focusing on escaping.

I pushed all my trunks filled with my belongings to the living room. Since the front door was locked, I was going to have to break a window to get out of this house. I wanted to find the nearest pay telephone as soon as I got outside, so I put some money into my coat pocket.

There was a medium sized window in the living room that I felt I could fit through. I ran to the bedroom and grabbed the shotgun. I went towards the window to feel the glass. It felt pretty thin which I assumed meant the bullet would be able to break it pretty easily. I hid behind the sofa just in case there was any chance the bullet would ricochet. I felt pretty foolish about to shoot a gun without having much experience with one, but I was really desperate to get the hell out of here.

I aimed the shotgun at the window and pulled the trigger. Glass flew around the room, so I ducked even more behind the sofa, just in case any flew near me. I headed towards the window and broke the rest of the glass that was on the edges of the window by hitting the glass with the shotgun. I then crawled out of the window and breathed in the morning air. It felt so good to finally be outside.

Why had I let myself believe Wayne could love me again? I had witnessed women around me change so quickly because of the men they were with. I used to tell myself that I wouldn't let that happen to me, yet here I was. I tried not to get my hopes up too quickly on being free from Wayne's grasp because I still wasn't completely safe. I had to hurry.

I began to walk quickly to the nearest pay telephone. I knew where I could find one since I had walked the streets near Wayne's parents' house when I would go out and buy groceries. The streets were a bit empty since it was pretty early in the morning which I was glad about because I didn't want to be seen.

When I finally found a pay telephone, I was happy to see that there was nobody using it. I was going to call my family's home and I hoped to receive an answer. My mother was most likely still at work, so that left only my father or brother to pick up. The phone was pretty loud, so I wasn't too worried.

I put a nickel into the pay telephone since I didn't expect the call to be too long. After dealing with the operator and waiting, someone finally picked up.

"Hello? Who is this?" I heard my father's groggy voice ask.

"Father! It's me, Y/N!" I said in a panic.

"Y/N? We haven't heard from you in so long! How have you been?" my father said excitedly. I wanted to burst into tears. It felt so good to hear his voice.

"Father, I need you to hurry! I need you to come to get me at Wayne's house!"

"Honey, what's going on? Are you hurt?"

"I'll explain later. Just hurry, please!"

"I'll be right there."

I hung up the phone and began my walk back to the house. The sun was slowly getting higher and it was such a beautiful sight. I felt so happy for the first time in a long time. I didn't know how I would heal after this, but I knew escaping was the first step to getting better. I couldn't suffer any longer by staying with Wayne and being separated from my family. That's not how I wanted to live my life.

I arrived at the house and climbed through the window. Even though my trunks of belongings were heavy, I wanted to try to pick them up and put them outside. As I managed to pull one outside, I heard a truck pull up and I was filled with happiness, expecting to see my father. Instead, I saw Wayne striding towards me, looking very pissed off.

"What in the hell do you think you're doing? Get back in the house!" Wayne yelled. I could tell he was drunk. He slapped me and started dragging me towards the front door. He threw me against the front door a few times.

All of a sudden, someone grabbed Wayne and threw him off me. When I realized it was my father, I felt so relieved to see him.

My father was on top of Wayne, punching him in the face with all his strength. Wayne was trying to fight back, but I could tell my father's anger made him much stronger than Wayne. My father eventually picked Wayne up by the collar and leaned into his bloody face.

"How dare you fucking slug* my daughter! Stay the fuck away from her or else you'll be in more bad business* with me! Even if it means me getting in trouble!" my father yelled and gave Wayne one last hard punch in the face which left him unconscious.

My father got up from the ground and looked at me. I ran into his arms with tears in my eyes. He comforted me and allowed me to cry. When I finally stopped crying, he looked at me and smiled. I could see tears forming in his eyes.

"Let's get you home," he said.

~ ~ ~

* "slug": to hit
* "bad business": trouble

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