Chapter 4

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After I had managed to clean up the mess, I wrapped up my arms loosely, got ready for bed and went to sleep.

This story may trigger readers who suffer from anxiety, depression or PTSD. There are many mentions of domestic abuse, self harm, self loathing, suicidal thoughts and tendencies. If you are easily triggered or bothered by such content, proceed with caution.
~W. D. Girl

The week went by fast as any other would. School was getting worse by the day, I don't think I'll last another year. My friend has turned against me, even bully me. There was no sign of my father anywhere near me, so that was a plus. Papyrus and I have been discussing astronomy and it's wonders every night, it was the only time I got to be myself. His brother tried to make me go away a few times, but Papyrus always knew what to say or do to make him calm down.

It was Friday morning, around 3 or 4 am and I couldn't sleep. Papyrus, Toriel and I have been talking about a place for the monsters to stay recently, but we haven't come across a solution yet. They had nowhere to go, especially because most humans feared them. With all those thoughts keeping me awake, I pulled off my blankets and headed straight towards the computer, trying to find a cheap enough place to stay for my friends.

The search was tiresome and really annoying, but I eventually came across an abandoned storage compartment that literally nobody used. It was only a few hundred dollars since its condition was so poor, but I thought it was better than nothing. I input the address on my phone and switched my pajamas for something more comfortable and warm for the outside world. Grabbing my shoes, phone and keys, I ran to the front door, got ready and left the house after making sure it was locked.

I didn't really know where the monsters were staying currently, but I sure hoped I'd be able to find them. I ran through the park under Mt. Ebott, looking for any sign of them. The forest creeped me out too much, so I didn't dare step a foot near that portion of the park. I heard leafs rustling from somewhere to my right. My head was immediately fixated in the direction of the sound, searching for who or what could be the source of it. From behind the rustling trees came G, Papyrus' brother. He looked around and spotted me. His expression changed from neutral to annoyed faster than light.

He put a cancer stick between his teeth, hid his hands in the pockets of his jacket and walked towards me. His coy look made me more than nervous as he approached me.

"What'chu doin' here, Doll? Don't ya know there're monsters hidden in the darkness?"
A devious smirk formed on his lips, the smoke from his cancer stick swirling around his face in a golden hue that his eyesocket was illuminating. He looked down on me, that light twinkling with unreadable emotions.

I swallowed hard before replying in a quiet voice, fearing that even the slightest loud tone would break my being.
"I-I found a place for you to stay at.."

He eyed me suspiciously before motioning for me to follow him. I released a sigh of relief which I didn't know I was holding. He led me through the dark, creepy forest to the meadow where they were located. Papyrus was the first one to greet me, while G just scoffed and walked away.

"He didn't hurt you, did he? Are you alright? You look pale!"
The younger skeleton questioned as he inspected my body for any injuries.

"I'm fine Papy, just a little shaken up."
He gave me a concerned look, about to say something, but I placed my pointer finger on his nonexistent lips and shushed him.

"I'm fine, now hear me out, because I've just found something that might help you out."
I said with the sweetest smile I could give. He nodded and intently listened to what I had to say. I told him about the new place and he was more than happy to hear that they'll at least have a roof to live under. He decided to tell the others in the morning, seeing he and his brother were the only ones still up.

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