AN: Stuff & Things

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Hey guys! It's been a while, missed me? Nah? Okay.

Yes, I have a point for posting this. I'll get to it now.

Table of contents

1. The Goal
2. The Watty's
3. The Editing Process
4. The Epilogue
5. My Other Books
6. My Life
7. New Book(?)
8. An Idea
9. A Note To Black Authors
10. Bye

        When I first started writing this book, I hoped that it would reach 50K views. It did, last month, and it's all thanks to every, single one of you readers. Thank you so much for reading.

I entered this book into the Watty's again this year. We had no luck last year, but maybe this year will be different? I know a lot of this has to do with my writing, but you can also help. If you haven't already, please, please, vote and share this book with anyone who you think might like it. Spread the word about 'Jacqueline' in any way you feel comfortable, and in return, you can have my everlasting affection? Don't want that? Okay. No hurt feelings.

If you didn't already know, I've been trying to edit this book for the last few months. I'm quite aware that it has many plot holes and bad grammar. I'm working on it. The problem is, I get bored and tired easily, so I'm not far in this very long process. Bare with me, and in year, this book will be better than ever (hopefully, no promises).

When I finished writing this book, I promised you guys an epilogue. I still have plans to write it, I've even thought of how to begin it, but I'm not sure what to include. What would you guys like for it to include? I have plans to have it posted before August ends, but you guys know me: I'll a bit always late.

If you don't know already, I've written two other BWWM romance books besides Jacqueline. Book are short, fun stories starring quirky, dark skin leads.

Alexandrite: Dive back into the 80's with this short story about a girl and guy struggling with feelings they feel will never be replicated.

I Like Him: A story about growing up and discovering yourself while balancing friends and that one special someone who was always there.

BWWM an't your thing? Check out my other books,

The Norm Games: A cringe worthy White x White story I wrote when I was twelve. It's filled with enough drama to drown an entire city and random, messed up humor that only a few people will get. Only the strongest of hearts will be able to last through this story without wishing to kill the male character at least once.

Dear Future Lover: Random thoughts to an unknown future lover. Some are mine others are made up. You decide which is reality and which fiction.

        I don't know about you guys, but I'm extremely noisy. I love knowing things about people and what's going on. I like being in the loop. For those are like me, and are curious, read on.

1. I love lists. I find them organized and clean. I love organized and clean things. They make me feel calm and at peace.

2. I started writing when I was twelve. I'd found my love for reading a couple years earlier and was reading everything I could get my hands on. Eventually, I got bored and started hating what I was reading. So I decided to try my hands at writing. How'd I do? You tell me, try out The Norm Games. I wish you luck, you'll need it.

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