Chapter II. Because Of Who You Are

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Hi guys! so, if you've made it this far, I just want to say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for reading this far!! I truly appreciate it!! I LOVE YOU!

"Are you fucking ready to rock, motherfuckers?" Andy's deep, velvety voice yelled into the mic. I screamed with everyone else in the venue.

"Andy!" I screamed, jumping up and down. They began playing, and I yelled with joy. My idols- I was here with my heroes, listening to them live! Yes!!

The concert was so amazing... colorful spotlights trained on the band; Andy, jumping around, singing... Ashley, bouncing around with his bass... CC banging his head, along with Jake and Jinxx. I could never get over their attractiveness... like, wow, smoking hot... mmm...

I sang along to every song, and then they played 'Saviour'... and let me tell you, thank GOD for waterproof makeup! 

"But now I know my wounds are sewn, because of who you are!" I sang directly at Andy, crying my eyes out. Like. A. Baby...  because of him, my wounds were sewn for sure- inside, and out.  He seemed to get my message, because he looked right at me with raised brows and wide eyes. I grinned at him, and he gave me a heartwarming, eye-crinkling smile.

I swear I stopped breathing, I fangirled so fucking hard.

I danced and I sang my heart out, anticipating the moment when I would get to meet them... and thank them. 

I stood in a backroom, furnished with a plain, leather, black couhc, and a loveseat. The security guy who led me in here smiled as he tilted his head to hear his earpiece.

"The guys will be here in five," he nodded at me, smiled, and shut the door.

Five minutes, huh? Sure felt like a lifetime for how excited I was.

"You all did great, guys! Another awesome concert!" I heard Andy's muffled voice laugh, growing louder as he came down the hallway. He was answered by several 'Hell Yeah's. They were here. Oh, God, they were here!

The door opened... and the band walked in. They formed a semicircle around me, all grinning with raised brows.

"Um.. hi," I waved weakly, struggling to find my voice. Andy stepped forward- and scooped me into a tight hug. 

"I heard you singing in the crowd. It was amazing," he murmured. I burrowed my face into his chest, smelling his smoke and sweat scent... and something else. I giggled. Andy pulled away and smirked at me.

"What is it?" he asked amusedly. I momentarily lost myself in his blue eyes... in his half long/half short black hair...

"You smell flowery," I laughed. He and the others shared a look, but it quickly disappeared. He looked back at me, smiling.

"So, what's your name?" he asked. My name? What was that again... oh! Wait... yeah!

"Hailie... Um, Hailie Renee Quillen," I replied. He nodded.

"That's a really pretty name," he praised. 

"For a pretty girl," Ashley waggled his eyebrows at me. I laughed at him, starting to feel at ease.

"Ashley! Stop being a man whore! We just met her!" CC hit him. I chuckled.

"So, hey, you happen to have any food in that bag?" Jake asked with a small smile. Oh! My bag!

"No, I don't, but I do have some things for you guys. I dug in my bag and pulled the packages out. "This one is for... Jinxx. This one is for CC... this one for Jake... this is for Ashley... and this... is for Andy," I handed them all their packages, and they unwrapped them eagerly.

A black, top of the line, foldable top hat for Jinxx.

A pair of custom, mahogany wood drumsticks, with 'Christian CC Coma' engraved on each in elegant calligraphy.

A $100 gift card to 838 Sushi for Jake. 

A Hello Kitty beanie and bass pick for Ashley. 

And a Batman cape and shirt for Andy. They all just... stared at me.

"Did... did I mess up?" I asked sadly. My answer was  5-sided bear hug.

"We love them," Jake muttered to me. I grinned as they all agreed with him.

"Good," I said as we broke apart- they all smelled flowery. "I'm glad you like them. I had to get something for you guys; after all, you saved me," I told them. 

"Well, Jake was right. We love them," Ashley said sweetly.

"How would you like to come back to the bus with us?" Jinxx asked, putting his top hat on. My eyes widened. Me... on the bus.. with Black Veil Brides...

No fucking shit! I nodded, and followed them out the door, Andy's arm draped over my shoulder. My heart probably stopped for a full minute. I swear.

When we arrived at the bus, we all filed in.

"Wow," I smiled. To the right was the living area and kitchen and a table with a booth around one side, attached to the wall underneath a window. The bathroom was straight, and to the back left was the aisle of bunks, and a bedroom at the end of the hall. 

"Yeah. It's pretty cool," CC nodded, plopping onto the couch's arm- misjudging, and falling on his ass on the floor.

"So! What do you wanna do?" Jake asked, opening the fridge.

"Watch a movie, maybe?" I shrugged, sitting next to Andy on the couch, soaking his warmth in. As I noticed his eyes trailing my legs, I definitely got warm.

"Netflix! Come forth!" CC yelled, pointing the remote at the TV. As the red Netflix logo appeared, CC nodded. "Oh, yeah. I'm good."

We searched for something good, and settled on The Vampire Diaries when Ashley spoke.

"So when do you have to be home?"

"Um... about two, I guess. So, I've got about an hour or so," I smiled.

"What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Um, nothing. Why?" I answered. 

"Would you like to hang out with us?" Andy asked asked intently. 

"Of course I would!" I grinned.

"Good! We can... talk more," Jinxx said, sharing another look with Andy. What was with the looks? Boys. Geez.

Before I knew it, it was time to go. It took all my self control to leave- that, and the fact that I'd see them tomorrow. They'd agreed to pick me up from my address around 11 in the morning, and I couldn't wait.

I finally got home, hung mom's keys on the hook, and ran upstairs to change into my PJ's and get some sleep.

Trouble was, I was too pumped to sleep.


Pic Of Andy to the side :) Hope you guys are enjoying this!!! I LOVE YOUALL!!!!! 

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