Chapter XIII. So Rise From The Ashes

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Here is chapter 13... enjoy guys!! <3


While the others entered the bus, I stayed outside. I pulled out a cigarette and lit up, feeling like shit.

I did this. I sent Hailie into a downwards spiral. I was the cause of all this pain, this despair. Why? Because I couldn't keep my dick in my pants. Why didn't I just break up with Hailie in the first place? Oh, yeah. Because I'm an idiot.

God, I felt awful. I honestly thought I'd moved on with Hailie- I thought I'd gotten over Juliet. I really didn't mean to lead Hails on... I'd really believed I'd loved her. But then Juliet came back... and I was sucked down again. I was definitely still in love with Juliet.

I wanted to apologize to Hailie, but I knew that seeing me would only make it worse. I sighed, shaking my head and starting on a second cigarette.

"Hey, Biersack. What's going on?" Kellin Quinn approached. I shook my head.

"Nothing good, man. Nothing good."

"Why? What happened?" he asked, taking a drink of water. 

"I fucked up, Kellin. Bad."

"What'd you do?"

"Hailie walked in on me and Juliet... er, making love," I admitted, hanging my head.

"Shit, dude. That's fucked up."

"Trust me, I know. I fucking hate myself. She's... she's in bad shape. I want to tell her I'm sorry... wanna apologize so badly, but I know that seeing me would only make it worse."

"Yeah... tell you what, man- I'll figure something out for you, alright? I'll let you know ASAP," he patted my shoulder. I smiled.

"Thanks, Kellin," I told him, and he walked away. 

"Hey, Andy- leaving for Charleston tonight at 8 PM," Kyle informed me. I nodded. It was already 3:30. I got on the bus quietly, and went straight to my room, and Skyped Juliet.

God, I hated myself.


It was 7:45PM, and Hailie, Ashley, CC and I were watching Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I was sitting on the couch with Hailie's head in my lap.

"I'm fuckin' tired," Ashley yawned. He stood and trudged to his bunk. Seriously? It was barely even 8... ah, right. He'd drank a whole bottle of whiskey. CC sprawled out on the loveseat, and watched the movie.

"This is a good one," CC commented. I heard Ashley's snoers, and scoffed. Fucking Ashley.

"Yeah, it is," I replied. Hailie nodded, and I smiled. She still wasn't eating, but she seemed... better. I rubbed her arm, and settled into the couch.

When CC went to bed, it was already 10:30- two hours into our journey to Charleston, South Carolina. I got up, and went to sit on the floor, and noticed Hailie's smudged eyeliner and mascara.

"Hey- do you want me to clean up your makeup? It's smudgey," I asked softly. She frowned, and went to shake her head... but then closed her eyes. After a minute, she eventually nodded slowly. I found a couple of Q-tips, a rag, and a small bowl of warm water. I returned to Hailie, and she was trying to sit up.

Hailie... was trying to sit up. After 30 hours of laying nearly motionless... she was trying. It made me so... happy.

I brought the stuff over to her, and sat down. I dipped one end of a Q-tip in the warm water, and started gently wiping the smudges and eyeliner residue off of her beautiful, clear face. Her eyes were so pretty... a gorgeous green color, and went well with her skin tone. After I cleaned it all off, revealing her pure beauty, I noticed that her hair was... well, not clean, to be nice. 

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