Chapter XXIII. Sleep Forever Now My Darling

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"I'll be right back," I murmured to Jinxx, hopping out of his car and making my way to the all too familiar front doors of the college.

It was the day after the... parental incident, and I was finally picking up my diploma.

And then I was meeting with a mortician to choose a casket for my mother. (My 'dad' was being cremated, and then I was scattering his remains... in the fireplace. Fucker.)

I walked down the hallway to the principal's office, and people stared at me.

"Is that...?" someone whispered.

"It is..." someone answered back.

"When the hell did she get hot?!"  a third person murmured. I ignored them all, and continued on.

"Hello- Ms. Rivers?" I knocked on her open door. She looked up. "I'm, uh, here for my diploma," I told her. 

"Oh, of course- here you go, sweetie," she smiled, handing me the certificate. I thanked her, and left. I hurried out of the school, and got back in the car, throwing the diploma in the backseat, crying.

"What is it? What's wrong- did something happen?" Jinxx asked worriedly.

"The... the last t-time I was h-here, I was in m-my mama's C-Camry!" I cried. He hugged me close, and I cleared up my tears with my hands. "Let's just go... get this over with." He rubbed my forearm, and I clasped his hand, intertwining my fingers with his. 

"It'll be okay," he promised. I smiled half heartedly. He pulled out of the lot, and we drove to the funeral home.. to do something I didn't think I'd have to do for... 40, 50 more years.

Pick out something to bury my beloved mother in. 

One week later, I was standing in the service for my mother's funeral. The cloudy sky cast gray light everywhere. The priest spoke in solemn tones. The guys and I stood up front- them, all in suits,- with my mom's sister.

Friends of my mother stood behind us.

Jinxx squeezed my hand as I cried tears of sorow. I watched as they lowered the mahogany casket into the 6 foot grave.

"Oh... mama," I sobbed uncontrollably. Jinxx turned me into his chest, and stroked my hair. I clutched at his silk black shirt, and soaked it with my tears.

"Shhh... it's alright, baby," he murmured, rubbin gmy back and kissing the top of my head. I hugged him closer, and just... cried.

When the service was over and we were all home, I sat on the couch and blankly watched the television. 

"Hey," Jake said, sitting next to me. I nodded in response. "Look... I know you're in pain right now. I felt the same way when.. when my mom died. It... eventually gets better. I got her name tattooed across my chest, and I would be lying if I said it didn't help a little," he told me. I looked at him.


"Really," he nodded. I looked away, and contemplated it. Abruptly, I stood and grabbed Andy's car keys. I drove to the tattoo parlor, and promptly got 'Leah Quillen' across my back in beautiful colors... with 'Beloved Mother' underneath it. 

ALrightie, almost done with the story!! AACCKKK :P

BTW I know the only things able to pierce a Vamps skin is pure silver and anothre Vamps fangs, SO in my world thingie whatever, the tattoo gun needles ARE PURE SILVER. JUST AN FYI.

Jakes tattoo to the side

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