Chapter IV. Take Joy In Who You Are

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"I... ahem, I'm ready to... to learn more," I said as I stood in the living room. The guys were all watchng TV- CC was upside down on the couch; Jake was munching on a slice of pizza on the couch as well. Ashley was sprawled across the floor, leaning against the loveseat- on which Jinxx was ripping up pictures of him and Sammi and throwing them in a metal bin. Andy was on the couch clutching the Batman cape I gave him. 

At my entry, they all whipped around to face me. I gulped. Andy motioned for me to go sit by him, so I did, tentatively sitting next to him, our knees touching. They were all giving me their attention- even CC had righted himself up. 

I'd spent an hour or so in Andy's room, and finally got the courage to come out. (Ha... haha.. like I'm gay.. haha.. no. I'm not. If the feelings and heat I get from Andy's smirks and smiles were any indication, I was full on fucking straight. LOL)

"So... what would you like to know?" Andy asked. I searched through all the questions in my head, trying to sort it out. 

"Well... what's the best part?" I decided to ask first.

"You can eat all you want, and never gain a pound," Jake promptly responded, taking a huge bite out of his pizza.

"The super speed!" CC chimed in. Jinxx just shrugged, continuing to shred up the pictures into itty bitty pieces. 

"The sex," Ashley answered. I gaped at him- typical freaking Ashley. "What? As a Vampire, it feels loads better- and we go way longer," he winked.

"Could you be any more Ashley Purdy?" I asked, which earned a few laughs.

"I guess we should start with the basics," Andy chuckled deeply. Yum.

"Like what?" I wondered curiously, tucking my leg underneath me and turning my body so I was facing all of them.

"Well, for one, Vampires are... er, extremely attractive," Andy said.

"Damn straight," Ashley smirked, twirling a strand of his hair.

"Anyway," Andy glared, "Vampires are also very fast- as you saw earlier- very strong, very intelligent, and very powerful. We're also very graceful- we can land on our feet easily from very high jumps, and we have amazing reflexes. Our senses are also all heightened greatly... sight, smell, taste, hearing... and touch..." Andy murmured, looking in my eyes, a wicked glint shining through them. Holy hotness, Batman! We've been overrun!

"We've also got real hard skin!" CC giggled. I narrowed my eyes in confusion.

"Our skin is extremely hard," Ashley said. "It's not exactly impervious or invincible, but  there's only two things that can pierce it: something made of absolutely pure silver- it can't have anything else in it, it's gotta be 100% silver... and another Vampire's fangs," he finished. I nodded, soaking it all in. It just seemed so... surreal.

But so fascinating!

"Which brings us to the next topic... feeding," Jake started. I gulped- I really didn't want to eat some poor human. Ick. "Don't worry- it's not bad. See, a Vampire needs to feed from the opposite sex."

"So... who do you all feed from?" I asked, confused again. They all looked at each other awkwardly.

"Well..." Jake continued, "a Vampire needs to feed from the opposite sex... but sometimes, the same sex will have to do until a female is available." My brows shot up. 

"So, you all feed from each other?" I questioned. "That's so hot.." I muttered. Ashley burst into laughter, gripping his sides.

"I- I like her!" he guffawed.

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