Chapter XIX. As We Fade Into The Night

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"Totino's party pizzas! We have to get Totinos party pizzas!!!" Jake cried, running the cart to the frozen aisles. I sighed, and Jinxx, Andy, and I followed suit.

If you hadn't guessed, we were at a grocery store in Kansas City. Jinxx, Andy, Jake and I were grocery shopping, while Ashley and CC had stayed alone on the bus.

"What the hell did Jake snort this morning?" I murmured. Jake was... unusually hyper today. It was only 10:30 AM, and we were all fairly groggy. But not Jake.

The bus was leaving Kansas City at... I believed 4, and we had to get some food for the bus. We were going off of poptarts and old TV dinners. Ick.

"I think it's that Ella girl he met yesterday," Andy commented. We found Jake- throwing those little party pizzas into the cart left and right. I scoffed. My eyes trailed down the aisle as Jinxx helped sort out the pizzas. I made my way down the aisle, and opened the glass door.

"Eww! NO! I forbid you to put those in the cart!" Andy called as he realized what I was grabbing. I looked him in the eyes, nabbed several bags of frozen broccoli, and stalked back to the cart... and deliberately set them in. He narrowed his eyes. "I'm so not eating those." I grinned evilly- we'd see about that.

"What next?" Jinxx chuckled.

"SKIPPY'S!" Andy yelled, taking off, his gazelle legs eating up the distance. Once we caught up with him, he had such a heartbroken look on his face- like Batman had been eternally cancelled. 

"What is it, Andy?" Jinxx asked. Andy just shook his head. I followed his gaze to the peanut butter shelf... and snorted.

"The Skippy's is all sold out," I tried to suppress a giggle. Jake hung his head.

"May this day be forever marked as the day... Andy lost his masculinity over a jar of penaut butter," Jake said in a solemn voice. I laughed as Andy smacked him on the back of the head.

"Andy, just get JIF, it's just as good," I suggested. He crossed his arms.

"I don't even want peanut butter anymore," he sulked, stalking down the aisle. I rolled my eyes at the child and grabbed a jar of JIF. 

"What now, what now..." I murmured. "Oh! Chicken wings!" I pushed the cart to the meat area, and grabbed a couple bags of chicken drumettes and wings. Mmmmm.

"ICE CREAM!: Jake raced back to the frozen aisles. I sighed exasperatedly... and followed, yet again.

We ended up leaving with chicken wings, ice cream, pizzas, veggies, JIF, brownie mix, Oreos, hot pockets, Tyson Any'Tizers, Tyson chicken strips, popcorn shrimp, fish sticks, fish filets, microwaveable waffles, butter, syrup, flour, cooking oil, various seasonings, ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, frozen spicy chicken patties, burger buns, lettuce... oh, and a couple bags of candy, some hair spray, some apple juice, grape juice, chocolate milk, chocolate syrup, hair brushes, strawberry yogurt, chocolate chip cookie dough, Coke, Dr. Pepper, hot dogs, buns, and chili.

In other words... a shit ton of pure junk.

We ran the few miles back to the bus, and went to load everything up. We stored everything in its appropriate place with ease, and went to relax in the living area... and heard a strange noise. CC and Ashley sat in the middle of the area, their backs to us.

"Cootchie coo! "CC chuckled. What the...?

"CC... what's that?" Jake asked nervously.

"Jake, you said I couldn't have a kangaroo, right? Well you never said anything about a chicken!" CC grinned happily. 

"Where on Earth did you get a damn chicken?" Jinxx asked.

"We're in fucking Kansas... there's chickens everywhere!" Ashley opened his arms wide. 

"Yep! We just took one off the side of the road," CC shrugged. 

"Well, looks like we have dinner now. Get the frying pan ready..." Jake rubbed his hands together. "We're having fried chicken!" CC's eyes widened, and he jumped up.

"RUN, PUNKEN, RUN!!!" he yelled... and what came running could not be classified as a normal chicken.

It was a chicken, yes... with a little biker helmet with a spike on top on its head. And a tiny, studded leather jacket. And itty bitty chains hanging from its neck.

"Oh, My. God!" I died laughing. "Where... where did you even get that stuff?" 

"There's a Build A Bear down the road," Ashley shrugged as CC went to catch the chicken... named Punken.

"You two are never staying on the bus by yourselves again," Andy told them. I snickered and took a seat on the couch. At promptly 4:00 PM, the bus began moving... we were going back to Cali.

We were going home. 

OK Somewhat of another filler, but hopefully more exciting. :P FEEDBACK LOVELIES

Pic of jake and ella to the side <3 

also, this chapter is dedicated to Silent_Sadness, because she gave me the idea for the punk chicken :P IDK what happened to her profile, because it's like disappeared out of nowhere, so I hope she's ok. HAYLEY IF YOURE READING THIS YOU BETTER BE OK :P sorry. Annyywayyyss, feedback guys! Loveyouall<3

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