Chapter XII. Splinters And Shards

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EEP Ok here's chapter twelve!


I woke up early- it was ony 7:30 AM. I just couldn't sleep. Which was ironic, considering that Hailie slept better than I did. 

Although, I guess it couldn't be considered sleeping. Her eyes closed, and her breathing evened and deepened, but she didn't move. Didn't snore. Didn't drool- hell, she didn't even twitch. It was like she went into a sort of... dorman state. It was odd.

I stretched, and went to take a quick shower. As the warm spray hit my back, I sighed and leaned my head back, letting the water fall down my body. It felt great... I felt myself relax.

I stayed in there for a good hour. So much for a quick one. I got out, dried, and dressed in a black t-shirt and black PJ pants. I went into the kitchen to find something to eat for breakfast. The bus started moving- we were on our way to Louisville, Kentucky- a 13 hour drive. 

"Ooh, cereal!" I snatched a box of Rice Krispies, and poured a bowl. Back in the living room, I turned on another Harry Potter movie- the shit was growing on me. I noticed that Hailie's eyes were open, and she was smiling slightly at the movie. I'd put in Chamber of Secrets- one of my favorites. 

I mean, come on! I fucking big ass, foot long fanged snake whose look could kill you? Fucking. Bad. Ass.

"Hey, Hails... you want some?" I offered her. She simply shook her head 'no'. I half smiled, and sat on the floor with my back against the couch, like always, and watched the movie.

I felt a nudge at my back, and turned and looked at Hailie. She looked at me, and scooted down a bit, and patted the area she'd left by her head.

I smiled, stood, and sat down. She scooted back up and laid my pillow down on my lap... and she snuggled in close.

I smiled, stroked her hair, and quickly finished my cereal, setting the bowl on the floor by the side of the couch. I settled in, and draped my arm over Hailie's arm, holding her. I could feel her shallow breathing, and worried.

She was just... dead to the world. She didn't eat. Didn't speak. Barely ever moved. 

By the time we reached Louisville at 10PM (we hadn't stopped along the way, so it was a straight shot through), she still hadn't eaten- making it an entire... 36 hours or so since she'd last eaten. Which... well, it wasn't good.

"Jinxx! You want anything from Burger King?" Ashey asked. I shook my head.

"Would you like anything to eat?" I asked Hailie since she was still awake. She shook her head- of course.

"We'll be back," Ashley replied as he and Jake left. I felt Hailie's breathing deepen, so I gently stood, re-settled her, and turned the lights off. Leaving the TV on, I laid on the floor once again, and went to sleep. The show started the next day at 1 in the afternoon, and I was exhausted. I fell asleep easily.

"We'll be back soon, okay?" I told Hailie. She merely nodded. Man, she was in bad shape. Andy really broke her apart... splintered her. I'd woken up several times last night, and each time, she'd been crying. Heartbreaking sobs... tears from pain that could have only been caused by being absolutely destroyed. I felt so bad for her... she was in so much pain. It was obvious to anyone who had eyes. 

I joined the band at the door. 

"Do you think she'll be okay alone?" Ashley asked worriedly. Yeah, I wasn't the only one who noticed- told you. They all realized what she was going through.

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