Bonus Chapter- BryanStars Interview

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SO HERES THE INTERVIEW!! Please disregard any discrepencies, because some of the things I've added may not add up with the rest of the story, os JUST IGNORE AND FUCKIN ENJOY <3 FEEDBACK MEHHH 

BTW ANY questions enclosed in *__* were submitted by Silent_Sadness. The only one who submitted any questions hahaha so YEPPPP <3

The guys and I sat in a circle in a secluded area of the lobby, waiting for Bryans late ass. 

"Haylee!!!" I shrieked, jumping up. I ran over to the female, and took in the familiar black hair and pale blue eyes. She was 2 inches shorter than me, and 2 years younger. I grabbed her in my arms and hugged her tight... Haylee Jenson was the only person that talked to me all the way until about 7th grade. But she moved, and I hadn't seen her since- we had been best friends. The one or two friends I've ever had that I mentioned in Chapter I? 

She was one of them. I missed her so much! I hugged her tight, and that's when I noticed the floral scent.

"You...?" I whispered, pulling away from her embrace. She nodded. 

"Yep. I'm a Vampire, too," she grinned. I screeched in excitement, and we made our way back to the guys.

"Guys! This is Haylee- she was my best friend growing up! She moved away, though, and I never saw her again... but she's here!" I laughed. "And she's a Vampire, like us!" I told them.

"Nice to meet you, Haylee," Jinxx grinned, shaking her hand. She sat on my other side, between me and Jake. 

"It's so nice to meet you all... I LOVE your band!" she gushed.

"They're really nice- you'll like them," I told her. She grinned at me, her blue eyes twinkling. I also noticed CC looking at her interestedly. 

"Sorry I'm late, guys! Here... let's set this up," Bryan showed up, and he and his cameraman got everything set up. He sat between Jake and CC, so the circle was Bryan, CC, Ashley, Andy, Jinxx, me, Haylee, and Jake. 

"Can we start this bitch already?" Andy asked, as the camera began rolling. 

"It's already started, the camera's rolling," Bryan gestured to the camera man, sitting on a bench next to us to get the perfect shots. 

"I got a fucking high class party to get to," Andy continued. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, my mom's birthday party," I scoffed. Andy narrowed his eyes. 

"I'm a goddamned celebrity. It makes me high class. So there."

"Whatever," I laughed. 

"Ready? Ok, let's make looove to this camera," Bryan said. "And, 3, 2, 1- Bryan Stars! Action packed! How y'all doing?" he asked us. 

"I'm extremely happy! I just found my childhood best friend!" I grinned, hugging Haylee close. 

"Same here! I was just wandering the mall, trying to find the Hot Topic, and she just... ran at me like a psycho!" she laughed, joking. 

"I am impatient. I have a high class motherfucking party, and it can't start without me," Andy replied, his nose in the air. 

"You're an idiot, Andy," Jake laughed. 

"Ok, guys, so I have a little game... we are going to introduce ourselves by our.. prison bitch names," Bryan smiled, and held the mic out to each of us in turn. 

"Um... famous... anus...?" Andy answered shrugging. "Even though now that I said that, I, uh... people are gonna be taking pictures of my fucking ass, and putting 'Famous Anus' around it now... so... fuck."

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