Chapter XVII. A Love Sick Melody

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Here's chapter 17 for you guys :)


There it was again. That undercurrent of raw power, surging through me... strengthening me.

"Fuck," Jinxx sighed as he looked in my eyes. The others looked at me, too, and gasped.

"Well, shit," Ashley said. I brushed it off, and approached Juliet, the power controlling me. I grinned at her, flashing my canine hardware. 

"Hi there, Juliet! How's your day?" I asked sickly sweet. She crossed her arms.

"We have some shit to settle. Now," she said. I nodded.

"Yeah, we do," I agreed. "Like, say, the fact that you slept with my ex, while we were still together," I narrowed my eyes, letting her corner me in an area of secluded shadows, the guys surrounding us. 

"Please. Maybe if you were better in bed, he wouldn't have begged me to come over that day in Dallas," she smirked. The shadows consumed us, and within the next second, I had Juliet pinned to the wall, struggling to breathe.

"Now listen hereyou little bitch," I seethed, my face right up to hers. "Let's get one thing straight... we don't have shit to settle, got it? You fucked my ex, so you're lucky that I haven't popped your little head off of your neck, 'kay? The next time you try to intimidate me, or threaten me, I will make you regret ever meeting Andy, got that?" 

She nodded, and I dropped her. She crumpled to the floor at my feet, gasping for air, and managed to ru noff.

"Ok... is it me, or was that badass?" Ashley laughed, breaking the silence. I barely heard him... I was staring in the direction Juliet had run off in, trying not to chase her down and torture her... before killing her.

I had the strength.

I had the power.

I had the speed...

I was just about to take a step towards her, when Jinxx's face broke through my vision. He gripped my shoulders, and looked in my eyes. Any urge to track Juliet down dissipated as I gazed into Jinxx's baby blues.

"Hailie?" he said tentatively. I frowned at his seriousness.


"What do you want to do right now?" he asked in a low voice. Hmm...

"Kiss you," I answered truthfully. The guys laughed as Jinxx smiled. He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine softly. I smiled.

"Come on. Let's get back to the bus," he grinned, putting his arm around my shoulders. We were making our way back to the bus, when a young man with pasty skin, beady black eyes, and curly blonde hair wearing a blue Aeropostale jacket and a white and gray striped shirt bounded up to us.

"Bryan fucking Stars," I grinned. He stopped in front of us, panting. 

"Aw, man... do you know... how long I've... been trying... to catch y'all?" he managed to get out.

"I'm guessing a long time?" Ashley smirked, resting his hand on his hip.

"Uh, yeah. Since, like, Dallas," Bryan mimicked Ash's pose. 

"Why? What do you need?" I asked. Jinxx stayed close behind me- like, chest to my back close, and it kinda distracted me... mmm.

"Actually, you, Hailie," Bryan answered, changing his position to keep mimicking Ashley's. Jinxx quietly growled behind me. I reached back to grip his hand...

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