Chapter 5 (2015)

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Roughly one year later, 2015.

The two continued to talk every night for the past year. They never ran out of a thing to talk about, and soon explored every corner in each other's soul. Though they were aware that their feelings for each other were strong, they maintained a platonic relationship and decided not go long distance.

"I still don't understand you and Cam's relationship," Grace said between bites of her burger.

"As if your's and Danny's is any less complicated," Ariel shot back.

"It's pretty simple, actually," Danny added between bites of food as well. "We're best friends who happen to be fuck buddies."

Grace nodded in agreement. "Pretty much."

"Okay, ew. Please don't say fuck buddies anywhere near me again when it includes the two of you."

"Ari, will you take a break already? We bought you lunch and you've been painting that damn thing for hours," Danny said.

"It's a project for Cam's birthday, and I need to finish it by next month."

"You're painting him a picture for his 21st birthday?" Danny asked.

"Wait, your 20th birthday comes first though. It's literally next week. Shouldn't he be worrying about yours?" Grace asked.

"Yes and yes. He's rich and famous okay, I can't give him anything he can't already afford himself. And I'm pretty sure he's working on something for me, okay guys?"

"So you guys aren't boyfriend and girlfriend, definitely not fuck buddies, but yet you guys have enough feelings towards each other for it to be obligatory to give gifts on each other's birthdays?" Danny asked.

"Yes. Exactly that."

"And this has been going on for a year?"

"And they've never met in person yet," Grace added.

"Wait this dude is ballin' right? Can basically afford anything, you said?" Danny asked Ariel. She nodded. "So why the hell hasn't he bought a ticket to Denver at least once to like, meet you or something?"

"Exactly what I said!" Grace exclaimed. "You know why? Cause he has hoes, and he's afraid if he meets Ari, he'll fall in too deep and have to commit."

"Guys, shut up."

"But it's true, admit he has hoes!" Grace exclaimed.

"Even if he has "hoes", it's irrelevant to me. In the end, I am still the girl he comes to and talks about life with. And that's enough for me."

"Okay, but still, why hasn't he met you yet?" Danny asked again.

"He's tried to meet before. It was always in my end that refused. I'm just too busy with the shop and school."

"Well what about now? It's summer," Danny suggested. Grace shook her head excessively and mouthed the same exact words in unison to Ariel's voice, "When you're in med school, summer is never really summer."




The thought of meeting Cameron was always on the table for Ariel. He had told her many times, that they would meet in Ariel's terms no matter what, since she was the one who was always busy. But she had always shrugged off the idea since there never was a moment when time was by her side.

However, if it's anything that Cameron taught her, it was to live in the moment. And in that very moment, she craved Cameron deeply. Impulsively, she dialed Cam's number and waited for him to answer. It was noon then, which meant it was eleven in the morning at California. But to Ariel's dismay, Cameron wasn't even in California at the moment.

"I'm in Chi-Town!"

"What are you doing in Chicago?"

"Well we're suppose to be in Toronto for the weekend for this concert gig that Shawn's in, but our flight's delayed for like another four hours. So we're just enjoying Illinois at the moment."

"Oh, you didn't mention any traveling this week."

Carter, who was the nearest to Cameron, glared at him and said "Will you get off the phone, it's slowing you down. We have to get to the hotel before fans notice us." Cam just shooed him and walked faster with the rest of the boys, their manager, Bart and three body guards.

"Yeah, that's cause I didn't know until last night. Everyone here is so damn last minute with planning," Cameron explained.

"Oh," Ariel said. There was a lump of disappointment in her tone and it didn't take long for Cameron to quickly detect it.

"Why? Is something wrong?"

"Cameron, hurry up, yo!" Gilinsky called out.

"No. Nothing's wrong," Ariel replied.

"Okay, something's obviously wrong. Tell me."

"I just," Ariel sighed. "I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you."

"That's three more than usual," Cameron said, smiling.

"I just wish I was with you, Cameron," Ariel sighed.

There was a long pause for a while, and after a moment, Cameron replied with, "I wish I was with you too, where ever that may be."

Suddenly, Carter got a hold of his cellphone and sprinted away from Cameron.

"Dude!" Cameron yelled chasing after Carter, while dodging the rest of the boys.

"It's slowing you down!" Carter called back to him. Then, he spoke into his phone while running. "Hey, Ariel! It's Carter!"

"Carter? Oh, hey, I miss y-"

"Yeah! I miss you so much too! We have to catch up sometime! But uhh, Cameron can't speak right now! We're a tiny bit busy!" Then to Cameron, "It's for your own good! .. Huh? .. No! .. Don't throw that! .. Shit, Matt, help me!" Then the line cut off, leaving Ariel alone and confused.




It was midnight in Denver and Ariel was just about to slide into her sheets and call it a night. Suddenly, her phone rang and she saw it was a phone call from Cameron. She answered the phone and climbed into bed.

"Hey, you. I haven't spoken to you all day," Ariel said.

"Yeah, I missed you," Cameron said.

"Are you guys in Toronto now? I know the last time we talked you were exploring Chi-Town."

"No, I'm not in Toronto yet, sadly."

"Another delayed flight? God, those are so annoying."

"No, it technically wasn't a delayed flight," Cam explained. "You see-" Suddenly, a loud and rapid knock came through Ariel's loft door.

"Wait hold on, Cam. Someone's knocking on the door."

"You're just going to open it? It's like midnight in Denver, isn't it?"

"Yeah, but it's probably Grace or Danny. Trust me, no one ever visits me," Ariel said as she dragged herself out of bed.

"I'm just saying, you should be more cautious, considering the time and everything."

"Okay, okay, you're starting to freak me out now." Ariel whispered to the phone cautiously as she walked through her cold, dark living room.


"Just keep talking to me, it'll feel like you're here. So it wasn't a delayed flight?" She whispered as she tried to prevent bumping into any visible object in the perpetual darkness.

"No, I forgot something so I purposely missed the flight."

"Cam, what could you possibly forget that is important enough to miss your flight to Toronto?" She asked quietly as she simultaneously opened the main door.

Ariel looked up, and saw Cameron Dallas on the foot of her door, holding his cell phone to his ear as his lips curled up to answer her last question which was, "You."

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