Chapter 1

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"Hey, so I was wondering if you'd maybe wanna go out some time?" A high pitched voice said out of nowhere.

I turned around and looked down at a slender blonde girl who wore way too much make up, I could almost take a spoon and scoop some of it off her face. She looked quite familiar but I couldn't put a name on her.

I stared at her, trying to figure out how I'm gonna let her request down easily. "Sorry, I'm not really interested in dating at the moment."

The smile on her face faded quickly. "Why not? You never date anyone." She crossed her arms.

"And how would you know that?" I crossed my arms.

She let out a laugh and let me just tell you, it was not attractive. "Everyone knows you don't go near females."

I sighed, hoping this girl would leave me alone. "Look, I have more important thing's to worry about then a relationship that'll last 2 weeks at the most."

She rested her hands on her hips now and looked at me with disappointment. "Come on," she stepped uncomfortably closer to me. "One night?" She purred.

My eyebrows furrowed with disgust. I stepped back and ran my hands through my hair. "Look, I said no so please, let's just leave it at that." I fired.

Her eyebrow's knitted together in anger. "Fine. Have fun never getting laid." She crossed her arms again and turned away, storming off.

I rolled my eyes and walked down the hallway's, passing by familiar faces.

Everyone is so obsessed with sex and virginities nowadays. Ya I get it, sex is great. From what I've heard. But some people actually make it their life goal to lose their virginity by the end of senior year. I've heard rumours around school about how a bunch of guys were basically competing against one another to see who can sleep with a girl who was a virgin first from another school. It's crazy.

I'll tell you the truth, I'm a virgin.

But I really don't mind.

Besides, my hand meets my needs when I really feel like it.

Anyway's, it's last period. I'm currently sitting in gym, my favourite class of the day. Not only is it my favourite but it's the last class of the day. I also love playing football and that's what the guys usually play in gym while the girls sit on the bleachers, staring at their phones.


As I was about to pass the ball to this guy named Jason, the bell rings, indicating that the day is finally over.

"Kingston!" A voice calls out for me.

A guy raise's his hands, signalling me to throw the ball to him. And so I do.

I walk towards the locker room, wiping the sweat off my face with my gym shirt. As I walk into the locker room, the horrific stench of sweat greets my nose. They should really clean this room soon. But I'm not one to really talk since I've also added to the smell. After changing, I walk out of the place and towards the exit of the school. Sadly, I don't have a car yet, although I do have my license. So I'm stuck with walking back home, which is only 5 minutes.

When I get home, I go upstairs to my room. But as I was walking to my final destination, I heard faint moaning. I cringed at the noise and tried to blur it out as I made my way to my room. Just as I was about reach for the doorknob, another door opened.

"Jesus Andrew you scared the shit out of me."

I turned around and saw my brother, Aaron, half naked, standing in his doorway, panting.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow and looked away from my naked brother

"I thought you were dad." He rubbed his face.

I live with only my dad and Aaron. My mom past away due to cancer a couple years ago. I wouldn't say my dad is the greatest, he's been dealing with depression ever since my mom past.

"Aaron?" A female voice came from Aaron's room.

His eyes widened. "Uh-ya just give me a minute." He stepped out of the room and closed the door behind him.

"Dad wasn't in the greatest mood when I got home so just be careful." He warned me.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"He went out, probably drinking." He turned back around to go back in his room.

Great. "You mind keeping it down? The noise is making me nauseous."

"Don't worry, your day will come when you finally have the balls to have sex. You won't be nauseous by then." He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes. "That's not what I asked."

"Ya, ya," He waved me off. "Big baby." He muttered.

I forgot to mention, Aaron's my twin brother. We're not identical twins but he's sadly 23 minutes older then me.

I walked into my room and threw my bag on the floor before laying down and falling asleep.

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