Chapter 15

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I stared blankly at the light brown haired guy who stood in front of me with Isabella by his side, not looking so amused. I remember this guy, he was that guy who kept staring at Isabella that one day where she asked me to walk her home. I have to say, he's not the kindest looking guy, he's a bit creepy.

"Come on Andrew, we gotta start getting our tent ready." Stella said from behind me, grabbing onto my arm.

"Are you ok?" I ask Isabella again. she nodded

I sighed and began to walk away from them and went along with Stella. But before getting lost into the campsite surrounded by students, I turned around to see the guys arm around Isabella's shoulders. I felt myself tense up and it started to get really hot until someone put there hand on my shoulder.

"Someone stealing your girl Kingston?"

I looked to my left to see a friend of mine named Landon, smirking at me.

"What're you talking about?" I grinned.

He nodded his head in Isabella's direction.

"We're not dating." I stated as I picked up our tent from the leader of the camp site.

"Sure bud." He patted my shoulder.

Why does everyone think that just because a boy hangs out with a girl, it means that they're "dating". Can't boys be friends with girls without any awkwardness?

I walked with Stella further into the woods until we found a flat campground to set up our tent. I told Stella that I wasn't in the mood to talk or anything and surprisingly she had left me alone the whole time we set up the tent, besides when we asked each other what parts of the tent went where.

"Alright, everyone back to the main building for food." A leader announced to everyone.

After putting my things in the tent, I walked towards the main hall where everyone else was going. Once I got inside, the smell of potatoes and chicken invaded my nose. I got my food and looked around the crowded room for a place to sit.

"Andrew over here!" Someone yelled.

I turned around, looking in all directions to find the voice who called my name. I spun around like an idiot 4 times until I found Zach waving me down. I walked up to the table he was at and sat down.

"So how's it going with Stella?" Zach asked.

"Better than I thought, actually." I said, looking at my food.

He chuckled. "I heard there's gonna be a bonfire later tonight. Only a few people are coming, it's a secret though so don't open your fat mouth." He pointed a fork at me.

"Are you going?" I asked.

"Well duh." He rolled his eyes. "I think the real question is are you gonna be a lazy ass and sleep or are you coming to have some fun for once?"

"Hey I went to that dumb party that you made me go to."

He scoffed. "You left like 20 minutes after with Isabella."

"So," I stabbed the chicken with my fork. "I still went."

"Whatever you say."


Why did this have to happen to me. Does everyone hate me? Is that why out of all people, Tyson just happens to be my camping partner? Isn't this not ok? Shouldn't I have a right to say that I'm not comfortable with sleeping with a boy? This is bullshit. Could no one see how uncomfortable I am? I just want to go home. 

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