Chapter 18

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"Are you ok?" Someone asked.

I look up to a girl with wavy dyed grey hair that went down her back and light blue eyes. I have to give it to her, she's very pretty. I've never seen her before.

"Uh-ya I'm fine," I got up. "I just don't feel to well." I put on a fake smile.

She looks at me and puts her hand over her mouth in shock. "What happened to your cheek?"

I raise my hand and put it over my left cheek. "Oh-Nothing, I uh, fell." I lied.

"Girl, there's a handprint on your face." She raised an eyebrow.

I sighed. "I just got in a fight with someone, it's not important." I tried to get off the topic.

"Oh sorry, my names Merika. I'm new." She smiled.

"Isabella, I was wondering if I've seen you or not." I chuckle.

"Well it's nice to meet you, we should head out there to have some breakfast."

"Right." I turn towards the mirror and pull my hair out of a high ponytail and fix it so it kinda covers my left cheek.

"Great, come on." She says giving me yet another smile.

We both exit the bathroom and walk towards the main building. When we enter the cafeteria, the place was crowded.

"Do you wanna sit with me?"

I turn my head towards Merika. "Oh ya, sure" I smile.

We both found an empty table to sit at and seated ourselves. I frantically looked around, wondering where Andrew was.

"So who is he?"

My thoughts were cut off, I looked at Merika who laid her phone flat on the table.

"I'm sorry?"

"The boy you were with earlier."

I froze. Did she see what happened in the bathroom?

"That you got out of the tent with."

I let out a sigh of relief. Did everyone see us?

"Oh-um that was Andrew, I think I should clarify that we're only friends."

She chuckled. "It's good that I didn't assume anything then." She smirked.

"What are you smirking at?" I laughed.

"You guys would be cute together." She said in awe.

I snorted. "Me and him will never be like that-"

"Be like what?"

I looked over to see Andrew who had seated himself beside me, looking between me and Merika.

"Nothing." I answered quickly.

"Who's your friend?" He asked.

"Merika." She answered for herself.

"I'm Andrew."

She smiled, not taking her gaze off of him.

where'd you run off to earlier?" Andrew asked me.

"Just to wash up in the washroom." I replied.

We sat there while Andrew and Merika talked. I was quiet most of the time, just listening to their small talk. I noticed Merika had a small blush on her cheeks and it didn't take a genius to figure out that it was from Andrew. They seemed to enjoy each other, so I left them alone to talk. soon enough, Andrew got up to grab food and Merika went along with him, leaving me to sit with my thoughts at our table.

The good, the bad and the uglyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora