Chpater 16

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I feel like I have no control over myself. Like my life is in the palms of Tyson's hand. If I do something wrong then it'll be hell for me. I was hoping someone just someone would notice and help me. But no one did. I thought for just a moment that there was hope for me when Andrew made a weird face expression towards Tyson, but he never said anything. i can never depend on anyone for help lately.

Tyson's hand went further up my thigh. I flinched at his cold hand against my skin. I tried pushing his hand away and crossing my legs but he still got his way. As his hand went up further, my palms began to sweat and my breathing picked up. I wanted to scream at him to stop but I knew I couldn't do that without making a scene.

"Let's go." Tyson whispered in my ear.

I cleared my throat and looked up from staring at my hands. "I'll see you guys later." I muttered.

"Where you going?" Zachary asked.

I was going to answer but instead I got pulled along with Tyson. I quickly looked back at Andrew who looked straight at me with his eyebrows knitted together.

And before I knew it, we were out of the door.


"Well that was the most awkward situation I've ever been in." Zach chuckled. "Actually there was that time where my mom walked in on me jer-"

"She seemed so vulnerable." I interrupted him.


I shrugged. "It's hard to explain."

15 minutes later, dinner was over and it was currently 8:40 pm. Everyone was off to bed early while me and Zach decided to find out who was going to this bonfire.

"Come on we have to go!"

"Zach shut up, I'm trying to sleep."

"You said you would go." He yelled.

"It's 1 am, leave me alone."

He scoffed. "You fucking suck."

I was laying half asleep in my tent by myself after Zach had left. Luckily Stella went to the bonfire so I don't have to deal with her right now. My eyelids started to drift closed until I heard the zipper on my tent being ripped open. I quickly shot up to see Isabella tripping over things and quickly crawling into the tent and closing it.

"Whoa what's going on?" I asked.

She looked at me with red eyes. She panted like she had just ran a marathon and her clothes were all messed up. She was shaking but I couldn't tell if it was from fear or because it was cold.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I said going to sit by her.

"I-I just need somewhere to sleep."

I was about to ask her what happened with her tent but suddenly there were footsteps outside. I saw her tense up and look at me putting her finger to her lips, telling me to stay quiet.

"Isabella once I find you, you're so dead." I heard someone say.

Isabella's breathing picked up and she started shaking. Something came over me where I wanted so badly to comfort her so I picked her up easily as she weighed almost nothing, and pulled her on to my lap. Her small cold hand grabbed on to mine, making my cheeks heat up again. Why can't I ever act normal around her?

I heard the footsteps start to fade. Her breathing started to calm and her shaking stopped.

"Who the hell was that?" I asked, a bit freaked out about what I heard them say.

She sat up and wiped her face while shaking her head.

"Nothing I just want to sleep."

"Come on, you can talk to me."

"It doesn't matter." She said, her tone a bit harsher.

We stayed quiet for a minute before I spoke. "Do you want me to take you back to your tent?" I asked softly.

"No Andrew. I just-" She paused and fiddled with her fingers. "I don't want to sleep alone."

A small smile wanted to form on my face but I knew now wasn't the time so I kept it to myself. I got up and sat down in my sleeping bag. I opened it up and patted it to tell Isabella to come here.

Her eyes widened. "It's ok, if your not ok with it I can sleep somewhere-"

"Come here." I rolled my eyes.


I crawled over to him and got in the sleeping bag with him. By body was freezing cold but instantly warmed up against Andrew. I zipped up the sleeping bag and snuggled in. Usually I wouldn't feel so bad about stealing someone's bed but tonight I do. I faced away from Andrew, putting my arms under my head. I still felt slightly uncomfortable so I turned over and with confidence, laid my head on his chest. He was so warm. I felt at peace for once and safe. I didn't want to go anywhere at all, I just wanted to stay like this. I could hear his heart beat increase and it made me smile.

"Your hearts beating so fast Drew." I giggled. The hell did I giggle for?

"I have a pretty girl laying on me, what do you expect?" His deep voice filled the tent. My heart fluttered at his comment, I laughed in response.

It wasn't long before I fell into a deep sleep.


I woke up to a freezing cold breeze of wind hitting me like a truck. I opened my eyes and lifted my head to see Stella coming into the tent. I groaned and laid my head back down.

"Um excuse me but why is she in here?"

Here we go.

"She's sleeping." I whispered.

"So?" She said loudly.

"Shut up." I whispered harshly.

She scoffed. "Get her out of my spot Andrew."

"You haven't been here all night?" I pointed out.

"That's my fucking spot." She growled.

"Sorry but my bed isn't you're spot, now be quiet or get out." I growled, now getting pissed off.

I looked down at Isabella sleeping, she looked so peaceful and comfy. Her skin looked so soft and smooth like silk. I realized how weird it was that I was staring at her so I shifted my gaze towards Stella who looked even more pissed.

"Did you guys sleep together?" She spat with disgust.

I looked at her in shock. "No Stella, can you please be quiet?"

"Why do you care about this whore so much?!" She yelled.

Isabella started to stir in her sleep. I could feel anger rise in me.

Damn she's a deep sleeper.

"Get out."

"This is my tent Andrew, this is our tent."

"I don't give a shit." I whispered harshly.

Instead of saying anything back, she stormed out of the tent not caring about closing it. I didn't bother getting up since I was exhausted. I got comfy again, trying to not move a lot in case I wake Isabella. I snaked my arm around her waist, after getting comfortable.

Is it weird that we're basically cuddling?

Friends cuddle right?

Pretty sure.

Am I comfortable?


Do I like it?


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