Chapter 19

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"Andrew give me your phone!" Merika yelled as she tried reaching for his phone.

"What for?" He chuckled.

"Because I want to put my number in it." She rolled her eyes.


"Andrew just give it to me." She whined.

He threw his phone on the sleeping bag, I watched as Merika raced to grab it.

Me, Andrew and Merika decided to just hang out in Andrew's tent while everyone was on a hike for the next 2 hours. We had to sneak past the teachers but luckily we hid in Andrew's tent long enough for them to think everyone was out of the campsite. I laid on Andrews sleeping bag, scrolling through apps on my phone out of boredom since there was no wifi while Andrew and Merika talked to each other.

"You ok?" Andrew whispered to me.

I nodded my head and continued on my phone.

"Alright now you have my phone number. I'll be back I have to go to the washroom." Merika got up and stepped out of the tent.

"So, why have you been silent this whole time?" Andrew turned to me after Merika closed the tent.

"I'm just tired." I sighed.

"That's the most basic excuse I've ever heard of." He scooted closer to me.

I hummed then went back to being on my phone. Minutes passed, I could feel Andrews eyes on me making my face heat up. I looked back up at him.

"Yes?" A nervous laugh came out of me.

He shook his head then laid down next to me staring at the roof of the tent.

"How do you know when you really like someone?" Andrew asked, catching me off guard.

I turned my head to look at him. "That's quite a random question, do you like someone?" I asked.

He sighed and shrugged. I felt my stomach turn and my breath get caught in my throat.

"Well-uh I'm not sure. I guess you just know." I said flatly. I really didn't know what to say, being on the spot like that. He kept quiet.

"They make you smile and laugh but also upset. Usually it hurts you more when someone you have feelings for does something you don't like.." I continue.

"Whenever you're around them and you get this feeling in your stomach when you see them or look straight into their eyes.." I said staring off, getting deep in my thoughts.

I turned my head over to find him staring at the side of my face, then into my eyes. He smiled then looked away from me. My stomach was spinning, I felt like throwing up. Why was I feeling like this? I can't possibly like him, we're just friends. I can't like him, I can't like anyone. I don't do relationship, I mean that's what I've been telling myself for awhile now. What if he likes Merika? She's pretty, funny, energetic. Everything I'm not.

"Who is it?" I found myself asking him.

He looked at me with his crystal blue eyes that had suddenly turned a darker blue.

"It's a secret." He gave me a smug smile.

"Oh come on, we tell each other almost everything."

"Almost." He repeated.

It has to be Merika. Why else wouldn't he tell me? Just thinking about them together made my blood boil. Suddenly I heard footsteps from outside. I heard someone mutter something from outside and knew it was Merika. I looked over at Andrew who was on his phone.

Do it, my mind told me.


My heart raced looking back and forth between the tent entrance and Andrew. I heard the tent being unzipped. Fuck it, I'll only live once. I jumped over onto Andrew and grabbed his confused face with both my hands and smashed my lips against his. My stomach had stopped spinning. It felt like everything stopped moving and everything was a blur. Fireworks went off in my stomach as my lips moved amazingly against his as he started kissing me back.

Who knew the innocent boy knew how to kiss.

Our kiss became more aggressive, his hands went onto my hips and guided my body over to his lap correctly so I was straddling him. My hands went up into his hair and tugged on it while his tongue slipped into my mouth.


I quickly pushed Andrew away and turned around to see Merika, looking at us with a shocked face.

"Sorry, I'll just-uh, go." She stuttered and awkwardly got out of the tent.

I turned around back to Andrew and saw his face had turned a deep colour of red and his hair was all messed up. My bad.

"Wow I-uh,"

"I'm so sorry." I interrupted him.

Yup, this is the part where I get rejected and I was not up for it so I should just apologize now.

"I'm so stupid." I muttered to myself as I got off of him and walked over to the other sleeping bag.

"Why are you sorry?" He came and sat beside me.

I rubbed my face, not knowing what to say. I lifted my head up, knowing that I was probably so red.

"I just-I really um," I swallowed before finishing my sentence. "I really like you and you said you like someone so I thought-oh god what did I do-"

I was cut off by Andrews laugh which made me turn my head in his direction so fast I could've broken my neck. "Why are you laughing?" I asked.

"Because I've never seen this side of you before and it's cute." He chuckled again.


His lips gently grazed mine before he kissed me, holding my cheek in his palm. He then pulled away and looked me in the eye. "I like you too."

"You do?"

"I thought you'd notice." He smiled shyly.

"But when did you start to like me?" He grinned.

"When you chased your brother around the house in your boxers." I chuckled.

Andrew rubbed his face in embarrassment but quickly uncovered it and looked straight into my eyes. "You've liked me for that long?" He smirked.

"Nah, that's just my favourite memory of you." I winked. "But I'm not exactly sure when."

He rolled his eyes. "So what does this mean exactly?"

I bit the inside of my cheek and shrugged, nervously fiddling with my fingers.

"Can it just be like this? No labels or anything right now?" I asked quietly.

I looked up at him and he looked a little taken back by what I asked.

"If that's what you want, sure." He rubbed the back of his neck.

I was glad that he didn't argue with me about labels. I'm not ready for commitment right now or a relationship for that matter. It will be easier like this. Relationships mean depending on each other for certain things and I don't think I can do that anymore. I don't depend on anyone anymore.

"There's one thing we need to talk about though." His face turned serious which made my stomach turn.


"What's this whole thing you have going on with Tyson?"

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