Chapter 5

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In all my life of 17 years, I have never seen one of my classmates have a boner in the middle of class.

I mean come on, why? In science?

At least try to hide it? I mean I'm not staring at it like a weirdo but it's up there. I followed where his eyes were staring at to see what was he was starring at. I looked straight ahead of him and saw Isabella leaning over the desk, talking to someone, with her ass in the air and this guy was practically drooling by the sight. My eyes widened as I quickly averted them to the whiteboard. I suddenly felt uncomfortable and raised my hand up to go to the washroom.

When I was allowed, I raced out of my seat and out of the room. Once I reached the washroom, I shut the door and placed my hands on either side of the sink and leaned forward. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. I lowered my head, looking down and my face paled.

"Shit." I muttered to myself.

What the actual fuck.

I quickly pulled my hoodie that I was wearing, lower to cover my front. Trying my best to cover my front with my hands without looking awkward, I walked out of the washroom.

As I turned the corner, I ran into someone.

"Nudist? What a surprise."

Of course. Out of all people it had to be Isabella.

"Uh-sorry I was just," I paused and rubbed the back of my neck.

She smirked. "Cute."

Before I could ask, she maneuvered around me and left my sight. I instantly remembered my current position and placed my hand back where it was. I hope to god she didn't see anything.

I awkwardly walked back to class and packed up my stuff since there was only 2 minutes left of class. When the bell rung, I raced out of the classroom again to find the only person I knew who knows how to deal with the crisis I'm in right now.

Walking towards his locker, I find him making out with some girl named Malissa. I rolled my eyes and walked right up to them.

"Zach, we have a problem." I announced.

He stopped sucking the girls face and looked at me. "Really? Now?" He asked in annoyance.

"Yes now!"

"I'll see you later." He said to Malissa after kissing her again.

When she left, he gave me an annoyed expression. "What's this problem that we have?"

"Actually, it's my problem but I know you know how to cope with these way better then I do."

I gestured my head down and his eyes followed. "Oh my god." He bursted out laughing. "Who in the world made you get that?"

I glared at him. "That doesn't matter at the moment but what the fuck am I supposed to do?"

"Well for me personally, my right hand always has my back when I'm in this situation but unless you wanna do that, your just gonna have to wait it out." He continued to laugh.

I mentally groaned. "Dude I have gym next. Gym." I repeated.

He slapped my shoulder. "Sorry man, your on your own on this one." He chuckled.

I sighed. "I'm gonna head to class."

"Hold up, there's a party after school and we're going."

I put my thumb in the air to agree into going as I walked away from Zac's locker. I speed walked down the halls until I finally got to the gym. As I was about to open the gym door, it bursted open causing my to jump back.

"Oh shit-nudist?"


I looked down at her and immediately covered myself again. "I have a name you know." I reassured her.

"Aaron? Am I correct?" She quirked her eyebrow.

"Andrew." I corrected her.

"Right." She smirked.

"Well I'm gonna g-"

"Wait, skip with me?" She smiled.

I arched my eyebrow. "What?"

"Can you skip with me?"

"It's your what, first day here and your already skipping?" I scoffed.

"Well no shit Sherlock, but are you gonna join me or what?" She crossed her arms.

I looked at her with astonishment. Was she some sort of badass wannabe? Or am I the only one that doesn't skip on the first day of school? Or any day of school for that matter.

"Um I can't." I looked at the ground.

"What are you some type of goody two shoes who doesn't skip?" She chuckled.

My face heated. "Ya kinda, but that's not the reason right now."


"It doesn't matter I gotta g-"

"Why are you standing like that?" She pointed to my legs.

I rubbed the back of my neck. "Um, well, I kind of have a problem with uh, my soldier."

She gave my a confused expression. "What?"

I groaned. "My soldier down there is up and standing high."

Why the fuck am I telling her this?!

Her eyes widened and looked down slowly before she started laughing hysterically. I rolled my eyes and started to walk towards the gym before getting pulled back.

"Wait-Wait I'm sorry," she finished laughing. "But come on, just this once, I'll buy you ice cream. Besides, I'm pretty sure you don't want everyone to see your..soldier up and standing in gym." She chuckled again.

I hesitated for a few seconds before deciding. "Fine."

She smiled, showing her pearly whites And ushered us out of the exit that was located beside the gym. My dad is going to kill me.

The good, the bad and the uglyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن