Chapter 6

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"No car?" I asked her as we stood on the curb in front of our school.

She laughed. "Are you kidding? My dad will never give me a car for as long as I shall live."

I looked over at her. She was looking straight ahead of her as her brunette hair blew in different directions by the wind.

"Why not?"

She hesitated before answering. "Let's just say, I'm not that great with cars." She turned her head in my direction. "What about you, why no car?" She asked.

"I don't know. I never really asked for one." I told the half truth.

Actually, my dad didn't have enough money and usually spends it all on booze so we had his old Honda to live with.

She huffed. "Well come on, before someone catches us." She grabbed my arm and pulled me along with her as she started walking.

We went to a near by ice cream shop and enjoyed sitting in a booth, talking and laughing with each other while she ate pistachio ice cream and I ate plain chocolate. I have to admit it, Isabella's interesting. I mean she just seems like she's full of so many secrets and I want to reveal them all. You never know what she's gonna say or do next. One day she's getting drunk and falling asleep on someone's porch and the next day she'll be getting chased by cops. I hate to say it but she's one of those people that I would usually choose to stay away from but she was just so intriguing.

"Wait so you actually got chased by cops?" I asked, unbelieved.

She nodded as she licked her ice cream again. "I wouldn't of gotten caught if it wasn't for my stupid ass mom."

"Why were they chasing you in the first place?"

She looked down at her lap. "I sort of broke into someone's house and stole their liquor."

My eyes widened. "Why the hell would you do that?"

"It was my teachers house, and he failed me in his class so I got revenge." She shrugged.

I think it's kinda weird that she knows where her teacher lives.

"What else have you done?" I asked, hoping the answer would be nothing.

"I've been in many physical fights. I've done," she paused. "Pretty bad things." She looked out of the window.

I could see guilt in her eyes. "Why'd you move here?"

"It's a long story." She took mother bite of her ice cream.

"I've got time." I said, getting comfortable.

She looked at me straight in the eyes before looking back at her ice cream. "Ok, well I had this boyfriend and something...happened where I wanted to kill him. Not literally but I wanted him to suffer. So I got me and my old friend Max to beat the living hell out of him. After a couple days, the police came to my house and arrested me, they didn't believe one word of my side of the story because I was the one girl who always got in trouble with the police and always had a bad history. So my mom and dad thought it was best if I moved back here to get a fresh start." She finished.

Yup, this girl's crazy.

"Wow." I mouthed.

A small smile formed on her face as she looked at my expression. We sat in silence for a few more minutes, finishing our ice cream. When we were done, we left and started walking back to school, since last period just ended.

"You know, we've been talking a lot about me and nothing about you." She states as we walked back to school.

I shrugged and looked down at her. "What do you wanna know?" I asked.

She scrunched her nose as she thought for a moment. "You got a girlfriend?"

I chuckled. "That's the first thing you wanna ask me?"

"Ya, I don't need some whore thinking that she needs to start beef with me for hanging around her boyfriend." She scoffed.

I smiled to myself. "I don't."

She looked at me. "Really?" She raised her eyebrows.

"What?" I said, looking back at her.

She looked back at the sidewalk and shrugged. "Nothing, I just thought you'd have a girlfriend. You seem like the type who has a lot of girls running after you."

"They mostly just want me for one thing."

She nodded her head understanding.

We eventually arrived back at school 10 minutes later. I looked at our school and saw people leaving, probably getting ready to go home. Which reminds me of what I wanted to ask Isabella.

"Are you going to the party tonight?"

"Of course, who doesn't love going somewhere with drunk, sweaty and horny teenagers everywhere."

I gave her a weirded-out look which caused her to chuckle. "I'm kidding, but ya I'm going."

Before I could say anything further, I heard someone call my name. I looked ahead of me and see Zach , running towards us.

"Andrewwww!" He yelled.

Me and Isabella stopped walking, and stared as Zach took his time to run over to us.

"Oh gee thanks, make me run and don't bother walking closer to me so I can run less." He panted as he stopped in front of us.

"What is it?"

He was about to speak but stopped when he looked over beside me at Isabella, and then back at me. "Did you guys skip together?" He caught on.

I looked over at Isabella who looked at me confused and then I turned back to Zac. "Uh ya?"

He put his hand over his heart and his jaw dropped. "How could you? You never skipped with me before you bitch!" He fake cried.

I knitted my eyebrows together. "Really?"

"What does she have that I don't?" He said dramatically making me laugh.

"Everything Zach, everything."

"Wow I feel special." Isabella butted in.

Zach and I both chuckled.

"Ok, well I'm gonna get going. Remember about the party." He pointed at me.

I nodded and he turned around and left.

I turned to look over at Isabella who was currently shooting lasers out of her eyes. "What?" I asked.

She didn't answer, and kept glaring ahead of her. "Hello?" I said slowly.

I looked ahead and saw a boy step out of his red lambo. Slick brown hair, black ripped jeans, black shades and a tight white shirt. I turned my head and saw Isabella clench her jaw.

"You ok?" I asked.

She turned to me and placed a smile on her face. "Amazing." She growled. "I gotta go, see you later." She walked away before I could say anything back.

I quickly turned around and started to walk home with many questions in my head that have yet to be answered.

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