Chapter 20

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Ok I just wanted to say thank you so much for 12k reads, I'm beyond grateful. Also, sorry for not updating in a LONG time, I've been busy and I kinda gave up on this book but after seeing some of you guys in the comments actually wanting me to continue, I've decided to do so. SOOOO here's another shitty chapter.


It's now Monday, and I can't explain how happy I am to not have to sleep in a messy tent, on rocks anymore. When Andrew asked about Tyson, I immediately went straight to lying about everything. The guilt made my stomach twist, I couldn't look at him half the time because his concerned face made me want to just spill everything which was not an option. Of course he believed me but I know eventually he'll find out and he probably won't trust me ever again.

We all made our way back to our school early this morning and we don't have any school today so I get to go home and relax in my bed and watch Netflix until I pass out. Andrew sat next to me on the bus ride back which earned us a few awkward glances from people who entered the bus. But I was too caught up with Andrew's hand on my thigh to care at all about people giving us weird looks. When we arrived at the school, everyone just grabbed their stuff and scurried away including me and Andrew. He walked with me until we reached an intersection where our houses were both in different directions which I thought it was best if we went our separate ways now.

"Well I guess this is where our journey ends." I sighed loudly as I turned around to face Andrew.

He looked around us, observing the cars driving past us and the sound of car engines. "I'm pretty sure you don't live on the street." He raised an eyebrow.

I smiled at his sarcasm. "I got it from here, besides you live that way."

"Are you trying to get rid of me already?" He pouted as he put his hands on his hips.

"No," I chuckled and hugged him. "It's just an inconvenience for you to walk me all the way home then come back and walk to your house."

"I don't really wanna go home to be honest with you." He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Well I have to get going or else my dad will yell at me." I stood on my tippy toes to kiss his cheek.  

"Will I be seeing you at school tomorrow?" He said as I began to walk towards the cross walk.

I turned around. "I guess you'll just have to wait and find out, won't you?" I teased.

"You better be there or I'll go to your house and drag you out myself." He grinned.

"Is that a threat?" I challenged.

"Nope, It's a promise." He winked then started walking away in the opposite direction.

"I'm home!" I yelled as I walked through the front door of my new house.

My dad's house is pretty nice, it's quite modern and basic. It's not very personal, there's no character.

"Come in the living room for a second!" My dad yelled back.

Since I didn't bring absolutely any clothes with me or anything else for that matter, I made my way to the living room. The first face I saw was my fathers, he wore a small smile that didn't exactly feel welcoming. Suddenly my gaze fell upon another face that belonged to a women who I didn't recognize.

"Come sit down, this is Jenny and this is of course my daughter Isabella." My dad introduced us as I took a seat on the opposite couch, across from them.

"Hi, it's nice to finally meet you Isabella." The lady shook my hand.

"Hi..." I said awkwardly as I gave my dad a confused expression.

My dad cleared his throat. "So Jenny here will be counselling you for a couple months."

"What?" I spat.

"I know it's very out of the blue but I think it'll be good for you." He shrugged.

"And how do you know what's good for me?" I said louder, now irritated.

"I'm your father now stop with the attitude." He growled, now also irritated.

"I don't need to go, I'm fine!" I threw my arms in the air.

"You are going to go and that's final, this is not your decision to make." He growled once again.

"I am so sorry about this-" My father continued talking to Jenny as I stood up and went to my room, slamming the door behind me.

My father didn't give two shits about me a couple months ago so why does he all the sudden care? I don't need counselling. I'm perfectly capable of handling my own emotions how I want. I don't want to rely on some stranger just so they can tell me that I'm depressed or have problems. If i wanted to do that then I would've gone all those months ago.

I slumped down on my bed and grabbed my phone.

Should I call Andrew?

Maybe he's busy, or sleeping or talking to someone else.

Rolling my eyes at myself, I clicked on Andrew's number and called him. It rang for a couple seconds before he finally picked up.

"Hey." His voice sounded groggy. Did I wake him up?

"Hi, were you sleeping?" I asked right away.

"No, I'm watching RuPual's drag race."

"I'm sorry, you're watching RuPual's drag race?" I giggled.

"Is it weird for a guy to watch it?" He challenged.

"No, I just didn't know you watched it." I quickly defended.

"Well if I'm being honest, I was too lazy to find the remote to change the channel." He sighed.

"Wow, you're like the next level of laziness." I laughed.

"Ya,ya, so whats up?" He laughed.

"Nothing, I just wanted to call you." I said, not wanting to talk about the whole thing that happened with my dad.

"Awe, miss me already?"

"You wish." I smiled and playfully rolled my eyes.

We continued talking for probably 20 minutes until I heard yelling in the background of Andrew's phone.

"Is everything alright?" I asked, slightly worried.

"Ya uh-everything's fine but I'll see you tomorrow at school."

"Oh ok." I said quietly, hoping everything was alright with him.

"I'll talk to you later, bye."

He hung up before I got the chance to say bye back which hurt a bit but there was nothing I could do. So I stood up from my bed, placing my phone on the charger and went to take a quick shower before heading off to bed.


Sorry for the short and shitty update, the next one will be better I promise lol don't hurt me


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