Chapter 14

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"Miss Evan's where is your bag for the trip?" My teacher asked.

I looked over at Isabella who looked exhausted.

She lifted her head up from her desk. "What trip?" She asked as she knitted her eyebrows together.

"The camping trip you have with your classmates that your leaving for in about 20 minutes." He rolled his eyes.

"Um why wasn't I aware of this?" She sat up.

"All forms were due by Tuesday, and it says here that your parents or legal guardian signed you up." He said, pointing to a piece of paper on his desk.

"Well how am I supposed to go if I don't have any of my things?" She raised her hands in the air.

At this point, everyone was staring at her.

"I'm afraid you're just going to have to ask your friends for extra clothing."

Isabella scoffed. "I woke up at 6 am to go on some stupid camping trip?"

"Well I'm sorry miss Evans but if you didn't want to go then you should've talked to your parents or legal guardian."

"This is bullshit." She muttered, crossing her arms as she leaned back into her chair.

Last week it was decided that my whole grade would be going camping for the weekend over on an island, about 3 hours away from here. I thought camping was for the eighth graders but I guess I thought wrong.

"Alright everyone please grab your bags, we're going to be heading out to the bus's now." My teacher announced.

I got up and grabbed my backpack which had all my stuff in it.

"Hey Drew, if they ask you where I am just say I'm on the other bus." Isabella whispered to me.

"Why? Where you going?" I asked, looking down at her small figure.

"I'm going home, I'm not going camping while wearing the same clothes for 3 days." She shook her head.

"Oh come on," I sighed. "I'm gonna have no one to sit with on the bus."

"Ask your horny little friend over there."

I looked into the direction she was pointing in to see Zach making out with that girl Malissa again.

"We both know that's not gonna happen." I stated.

She threw her head back and let out a loud sigh. I gave her a surprised look and she immediately raised her head back up. "That was louder then I intended it to be." She chuckled.

I chuckled. "Please come." I ask again.

She smirked. "Well damn Drew I didn't know you were a beggar." She winked at me.

I heated up when I realized what she meant. "Are you coming or not?" I asked anxiously.

"But I don't have any of my things." She whined.

"You can borrow my hoodies, now let's go so we can get a spot on the bus."

She smiled gratefully and pulled me by my arm towards the classroom exit. We got on the bus and went to the very back. After waiting in our seats for 20 minutes so that everyone could get on, we finally started the 3 hour road trip.



"Andrew Kingston!"

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